首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medicinal Chemistry >Synthesis, Antitubulin, and Antiproliferative SAR of Analogues of 2-Methoxyestradiol-3,17-O,O-bis-sulfamate

Synthesis, Antitubulin, and Antiproliferative SAR of Analogues of 2-Methoxyestradiol-3,17-O,O-bis-sulfamate


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The synthesis and antiproliferative activity of analogues of estradiol 3,17-O,O-bis-sulfamates (E2bisMATEs) are discussed. Modifications of the C-17 substituent reveal that an H-bond acceptor is essential for high antiproliferative activity. The local environment in which this H-bond acceptor lies can be varied to an extent. The C-17-oxygen linker can be deleted or substituted with an electronically neutral methylene group, and replacement of the terminal NH2 with a methyl group is also acceptable. Mesylates 10 and 14 prove equipotent to the E2bisMATEs 2 and 3, while sulfones 20 and 35 display enhanced in vitro antiproliferative activity. In addition, the SAR of 2-substituted estradiol-3-O-sulfamate derivatives as inhibitors of tubulin polymerization has been established for the first time. These agents inhibit the binding of radiolabeled colchicine to tubulin.
机译:讨论了雌二醇3,17-O,O-双-氨基磺酸酯(E2bisMATE)类似物的合成和抗增殖活性。 C-17取代基的修饰表明,H键受体对于高抗增殖活性至关重要。该H键受体所处的局部环境可以在一定程度上变化。 C-17-氧连接基可被缺失或被电子中性亚甲基取代,并且末端NH 2被甲基取代也是可接受的。甲磺酸酯10和14被证明与E2bisMATEs 2和3等价,而砜20和35显示出增强的体外抗增殖活性。另外,首次建立了2-取代的雌二醇-3-O-氨基磺酸衍生物作为微管蛋白聚合抑制剂的SAR。这些试剂抑制放射性标记的秋水仙碱与微管蛋白的结合。



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