首页> 外文期刊>Journal of mental health >Private psychiatry and Medicare: Regional equality of access in Australia?

Private psychiatry and Medicare: Regional equality of access in Australia?


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Background: Private psychiatric services are produced and consumed on a fee-for-service (FFS) basis in Australia. The Commonwealth Government subsidises these (and all) medical services via Medicare, a universal, comprehensive, tax-financed medical and hospital financing mechanism. A key purpose of Medicare is to improve equality of access to medical services. Aims: To measure the distribution of "access", as measured by utilization, to private FFS psychiatric services at a regional level; and to determine the temporal trend in equality in regional access to these services during the Medicare period. Method: Conventional measures of statistical dispersion and economic inequality (the coefficient of variation, Gini coefficient and the Atkinson measure) are applied to quarterly time-series data on quantities of private psychiatric services for Australia's regions since 1984. Equations are modelled statistically on the distributional data generated by applying these measures. Lorenz curves are also constructed. Results: The negative sign on the slope coefficients in all estimated equations, i.e., for each measure of the distribution, is statistically significant, but the slope coefficients are nearly zero. Conclusions: These preliminary results suggest relatively intractable movement in alleviating inequality in the private psychiatric services produced and consumed in Australia, at the broad level of the region, during two decades of Medicare subsidies.
机译:背景:私人精神科服务是在澳大利亚以服务付费(FFS)的方式生产和消费的。联邦政府通过Medicare补贴这些(和所有)医疗服务,Medicare是一种普遍,全面,由税收资助的医疗和医院筹资机制。 Medicare的主要目的是改善获得医疗服务的平等性。目的:衡量在区域一级对私人FFS精神科服务进行“利用”的分布,以利用情况衡量;并确定在医疗保险期间,在区域内获得这些服务的平等程度的时间趋势。方法:自1984年以来,对澳大利亚各地区私人精神科服务数量的季度时间序列数据采用了统计分散和经济不平等的常规测度(变异系数,基尼系数和阿特金森测度)。对分布方程进行统计建模通过应用这些措施生成的数据。还构造了洛伦兹曲线。结果:在所有估计方程中,即对于每种分布量度,斜率系数上的负号在统计上都是显着的,但是斜率系数几乎为零。结论:这些初步结果表明,在过去两年的医疗保险补贴中,该地区广泛的地区在缓解澳大利亚生产和消费的私人精神科服务中的不平等方面相对较难解决。



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