首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Avian Biology >Equal reproductive success of phenotypes in the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis complex

Equal reproductive success of phenotypes in the Larus glaucescens-occidentalis complex


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Glaucous-winged gulls Larus glaucescens and western gulls L. occidentalis hybridize extensively where their ranges overlap along the coasts of Washington and Oregon, producing a continuum of phenotypic intergrades between the two parental species. This zone often is considered an example of geographically bounded hybrid superiority, but studies of relative success among parental types and hybrids have not provided consistent support for this model. We tested the predictions of the dynamic-equilibrium and geographically bounded hybrid superiority hypotheses by studying mate choice and reproductive success among gulls on Protection Island, Washington, the largest breeding colony of glaucous-winged/western gulls within the hybrid zone. The dynamic-equilibrium hypothesis posits that hybridization due to dispersal balances selection against less fit hybrids and assortative mating is adaptive. Geographically bounded hybrid superiority posits that hybrids are better fit than parental types within an ecotone between the environments to which the parental species are adapted, and a preference for hybrid mates is adaptive. Additionally, we investigated whether hatching success and nest site choice are correlated for Protection Island gulls. We assigned a hybrid index to each sample bird by examining plumage melanism and bare part coloration in the field. Sheltered nests contained larger clutches and exhibited increased hatching success, but choice of nest habitat was not associated with hybrid index. Western gull-like pairs produced smaller third eggs; however, hybrid index was not correlated with clutch size or hatching success. Protection Island gulls did exhibit assortative mating. In short, we did not find strong support for either geographically bounded hybrid superiority or the dynamic-equilibrium hypothesis
机译:灰翅鸥鸥和西方鸥L. occidentalis广泛杂交,它们的范围在华盛顿和俄勒冈州海岸重叠,在两个亲本物种之间产生表型过渡的连续体。该区域通常被认为是地理上有优势的杂种优势的一个例子,但是父母类型和杂种之间相对成功的研究并未为该模型提供一致的支持。我们通过研究华盛顿保护岛(杂交区内最大的有白翅/西部鸥繁殖的殖民地)上的海鸥之间的配偶选择和繁殖成功率,来测试动态平衡和地理上有限的杂交优势假设的预测。动态平衡假设认为,针对分散性较差的杂种和选择交配的杂种平衡选择,杂交是适应性的。在地理上有界的杂种优势表明,杂种比亲本物种适应的环境之间的过渡带内的亲本类型更适合亲本,并且对杂种伴侣的适应性更强。此外,我们调查了保护岛海鸥的孵化成功与巢位选择是否相关。我们通过检查羽毛黑素病和野外裸露的颜色为每个样本鸟分配了一个混合指数。避难所的巢包含较大的离合器,并显示出增加的孵化成功率,但筑巢栖息地的选择与杂种指数无关。西方的海鸥状卵对产卵较小。但是,混合指数与离合器的大小或孵化成功率无关。保护岛的海鸥确实表现出各种交配。简而言之,我们没有发现有地理限制的混合优势或动态平衡假设的强大支持



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