首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Genetics: An International Journal of Genetics in Medicine >CCBE1 mutations can cause a mild, atypical form of generalized lymphatic dysplasia but are not a common cause of non-immune hydrops fetalis

CCBE1 mutations can cause a mild, atypical form of generalized lymphatic dysplasia but are not a common cause of non-immune hydrops fetalis


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Generalized lymphatic dysplasia (GLD) results from an inherent developmental abnormality of the lymphatic system involving the viscera. The onset of failure of lymphatic drainage can be pre-or postnatal and can result in any combination of peripheral lymphoedema, pleural and pericar-dial effusions, ascites, chylous effusions and pulmonary or intestinal lymphangiectasia (1). GLD, in its more severe form, can present prenatally as hydrops fetalis (HF) (abnormal accumulation of fluid in two or more fetal compartments).Until recently, the only genes known to cause lymphatic disease were those implicated in disorders characterized by predominantly peripheral disease; FLT4 (VEGFR3) in Milroy disease and F0XC2 in lymphoedema distichiasis. In 2009, Connell et al. (2) described a pedigree in which a homozygous mutation in CCBE1 was identified as causing an autosomal recessively inherited GLD. In the family described, there were three affected siblings, all of whom presented in utero with HF. Two died and the third child had a phe-notype consistent with Hennekam syndrome, an autosomal recessive GLD disorder characterized by lymphoedema, lymphangiectasia, mental retardation and dysmorphic facies (3). Alders et al. (4) described homozygous and compound heterozy-gote CCBE1 mutations in 5/22 families with Hennekam syndrome.
机译:广义淋巴发育不良(GLD)是由内脏淋巴系统固有的发育异常引起的。淋巴引流失败的发生可能在出生前或出生后,并可能导致周围淋巴水肿,胸膜和心包积液,腹水,乳糜积液以及肺或肠淋巴管扩张症的任何组合(1)。 GLD更严重的形式可以在产前表现为胎儿积液(HF)(两个或多个胎儿隔室中异常积液)。直到最近,已知导致淋巴疾病的唯一基因是那些与以外周血为主的疾病有关的基因。疾病; Milroy病中的FLT4(VEGFR3)和淋巴水肿中的F0XC2。在2009年,Connell等人。 (2)描述了一个谱系,其中CCBE1中的纯合突变被鉴定为引起常染色体隐性遗传的GLD。在所描述的家庭中,有3个受影响的兄弟姐妹,他们全都在子宫内出现HF。 2例死亡,第3例具有与Hennekam综合征相符的表型,Hennekam综合征是一种常染色体隐性遗传性GLD疾病,其特征为淋巴水肿,淋巴管扩张,智力低下和畸形相(3)。 Alders等。 (4)描述了Hennekam综合征的5/22家族的纯合子和复合杂合子CCBE1突变。



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