首页> 外文期刊>Journal of medical ethics >Ethical implications of HIV self-testing

Ethical implications of HIV self-testing


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In April 2015, the first legally approved HIV self-testing kit went on sale in the UK-except Northern Ireland where they remain illegal. These tests allow individuals to test their HIV status and read the result in the privacy of their own home, much like a home pregnancy test. This paper explores the ethical implications of HIV self-testing. We conclude that there are no strong ethical objections to self-testing being made widely available in the UK. Pretest counselling for an HIV test is not an ethical necessity, and self-testing has the potential to increase early diagnosis of HIV infection and thus improve prognosis and reduce ongoing transmission. Self-testing kits might also empower people and promote autonomy by allowing people to dictate the terms on which they test their HIV status. We accept that there are some potential areas of concern. These include the possibility of user error with the tests, and the concern that individuals may not present to health services following a reactive result. False negatives have the potential to cause harm if the 'window period' is not understood, and false positives might produce psychological distress. There is, however, little evidence to suggest that self-testing kits will cause widespread harm, and we argue that the only way to properly evaluate whether they do cause significant harm is to carefully evaluate their use, now that they are available on the market.
机译:2015年4月,第一个获得法律认可的艾滋病毒自我检测试剂盒在英国发售,但北爱尔兰除外,因为北爱尔兰仍然非法。这些测试允许个人测试自己的HIV状况,并在自己家中的隐私中读取结果,就像进行家庭怀孕测试一样。本文探讨了艾滋病毒自我检测的伦理意义。我们得出的结论是,在英国没有广泛的道德准则反对自我测试。 HIV检测前的咨询咨询不是道德上的必要,自我检测有可能增加HIV感染的早期诊断,从而改善预后并减少持续的传播。自我测试工具包还可以通过允许人们指示他们测试其HIV状况的条件来增强人们的能力并促进自治。我们接受一些潜在的关注领域。这些包括用户可能会在测试中出错,以及担心个人在反应后可能无法出诊。如果不了解“窗口期”,假阴性可能会造成伤害,而假阳性可能会造成心理困扰。但是,几乎没有证据表明自测工具包会造成广泛的危害,并且我们认为,既然已经可以在市场上买到,那么正确评估它们是否确实会造成重大伤害的唯一方法就是仔细评估其使用。 。



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