首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Entomology >Studies of Vector Competency and Efficiency of North American Fleas for Yersinia pestis: State of the Field and Future Research Needs

Studies of Vector Competency and Efficiency of North American Fleas for Yersinia pestis: State of the Field and Future Research Needs


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The etiological agent of plague. Yersinia pestis, is most commonly transmitted by the bite of infectious fleas. To date, at least 28 flea species occurring in North America have been experimentally confirmed as vectors of Y. pestis. Transmission efficiency differs among species and also between different studies of a single species. These differences may, however, in large part reflect nonstandardized experimental conditions used (hiring the first half of the 20th century When such studies were conducted in response to the rapid spread of Y. pestis across the western United States after its introduction at the beginning of this century. The majority of these early transmission studies focused on the blocked flea mechanism of transmission,,xhich typically does not occur until >2-3 wk after the flea becomes infected. Recent studies have challenged the paradigm that K pestis is usually spread by blocked fleas by demonstrating that numerous flea species, including the oriental rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis, which was the focus of the early classical Studies oil blocked flea transmission, are capable of "early-phase" transmission during the first few days after becoming infected and before a complete blockage call form. The aims of this review are to 1) summarize Y. pestis vector competency and efficiency studies for fleas occurring in North America, 2) discuss the implications of the results of these studies for our understanding of the dynamics of plague epizootics, 3) demonstrate why older transmission studies need to be repeated using a standardized experimental system, and 4) Outline future directions for studies of fleas as vectors of Y. pestis.
机译:鼠疫的病因。鼠疫耶尔森菌最常通过感染跳蚤的叮咬传播。迄今为止,已经通过实验证实了在北美存在的至少28种跳蚤物种是鼠疫耶尔森氏菌的载体。传播效率在物种之间以及单个物种的不同研究之间也不同。但是,这些差异可能在很大程度上反映了所使用的非标准化实验条件(雇用20世纪上半叶,当时这种研究是为了响应鼠疫耶尔森菌在美国西部引入之后迅速传播到整个美国西部而进行的)。本世纪,这些早期传播研究大多集中于跳蚤的传播机制受阻,通常直到跳蚤被感染后2-3 wk才会出现,最近的研究挑战了通常由鼠疫K传播的范式。通过证明许多跳蚤物种(包括东方鼠类跳蚤Xenopsylla cheopis)(这是早期经典研究的油类跳蚤传播的重点),能够在感染后和感染后的头几天内“早期”传播完整的封锁通知表。审查的目的是:1)总结鼠疫耶尔森氏菌媒介能力和效率研究发生在北美; 2)讨论了这些研究结果对我们对鼠疫流行病学动力学的理解的意义; 3)说明了为什么需要使用标准化实验系统重复进行较早的传播研究,以及4)概述未来的发展方向用于研究蚤作为鼠疫耶尔森氏菌的载体。



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