首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Entomology >Arachnids Submitted as Suspected Brown Recluse Spiders (Araneae:Sicariidae): Loxosceles Spiders Are Virtually Restricted to TheirKnown Distributions but Are Perceived to Exist Throughout the UnitedStates

Arachnids Submitted as Suspected Brown Recluse Spiders (Araneae:Sicariidae): Loxosceles Spiders Are Virtually Restricted to TheirKnown Distributions but Are Perceived to Exist Throughout the UnitedStates


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An Internet offer was made to identify any spider in the United States perceived to be a brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa Gertsch & Mulaik (Sicariidae). In total, 1,773 arachnids from 49 states represented three orders (Araneae, Solifugae, and Opiliones) and the identifiable spiders (Araneae) consisted of 38 families, 88 genera, and 158 recognizable species. Participants from states at least half within the known brown recluse distribution submitted Loxosceles spiders 32-89% of the time, except Louisiana and Mississippi with no submissions. From 25 of 29 states completely or almost completely outside of the range of Loxosceles spiders, no recluse spiders were submitted. Only two discoveries of brown recluses and two of the worldwide tramp species Loxosceles rufescens (Dufour) were submitted from nonendemic Loxosceles areas. States on distribution margins of brown recluse or other native Loxosceles spiders were intermediate in their Loxosceles submissions. This study showed that 1) the general public perceives brown recluses to occur over wide-ranging areas of the United States; and 2) brown recluses are frequently submitted from endemic states and almost never from nonendemic states, and therefore are virtually limited to their known distributions. This study corroborates opinions that diagnosis of brown recluse spider bites is best restricted to areas historically supporting proven, widespread populations of Loxosceles spiders.
机译:提供了一个互联网要约,以识别在美国被视为棕色隐居蜘蛛的任何蜘蛛,Loxosceles reclusa Gertsch&Mulaik(Sicariidae)。共有来自49个州的1,773个蜘蛛纲动物代表了三个亚目(Araneae,Solifugae和Opiliones),可识别的蜘蛛(Araneae)由38个科,88属和158个可识别物种组成。至少有一半来自已知褐色隐居分布的州的参与者(不包括路易斯安那州和密西西比州的参与者)在32-89%的时间内提交了凤尾蜘蛛。在29个州中,有25个完全或几乎完全不在Loxosceles蜘蛛范围内,没有隐士蜘蛛被提交。来自非地方性Loxosceles地区的只有两个发现,即棕色隐窝动物和两个世界性流浪物种Luxosceles rufescens(Dufour)。褐隐居或其他本地蛇尾蜘蛛分布边缘的州在其蛇尾提交中处于中间位置。这项研究表明:1)公众认为棕色隐居地发生在美国大范围地区; (2)棕色食谱通常是从地方病州提交的,几乎从非地方病州提交的,因此实际上仅限于已知分布。这项研究证实了以下观点,即对棕色隐士蜘蛛咬伤的诊断最好局限于历史上已证明行之有效,广泛分布的Loxosceles蜘蛛种群的地区。



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