首页> 外文期刊>Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology: the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association >Changing trends in the incidence, stage, survival, and screen-detection of colorectal cancer: a population-based study.

Changing trends in the incidence, stage, survival, and screen-detection of colorectal cancer: a population-based study.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening has been advocated increasingly during the past 2 decades, but there is little direct evidence that it has affected cancer incidence or presentation at the population level. This study assessed concurrent trends in CRC incidence, presentation, survival, mortality, and polypectomies in Olmsted County, Minnesota. METHODS: Longitudinal observational study was conducted of all Olmsted County residents with colorectal adenocarcinoma first diagnosed in 1980-1999. RESULTS: Altogether, 889 invasive CRCs were diagnosed among Olmsted County residents from 1980 through 1999. Annual age- and sex-adjusted CRC incidence rates decreased significantly during this period (P = .02) with a 23% decline from 60 per 100,000 in 1980-1984 to 46 per 100,000 in 1995-1999. This was primarily accounted for by a 40% reduction in left-sided CRC (P < .001). The incidence of right-sided CRC remained unchanged, but the proportion of right-sided CRC increased from 46% to 58%. Cancer stage shifted downward, and survival improved over time. The overall proportion of screen-detected CRC rose from 8% to 17%. Annual adjusted adenomatous polypectomy rates increased dramatically from 86 to 320 per 100,000 (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of CRC in Olmsted County has declined in recent years. An impact of screening is suggested by the observed upward trend in screen-detected cases, a favorable stage shift, and a concurrent rise in polypectomy rates. However, the incidence of right-sided cancer remains unaltered and might be less affected by historically used screening interventions. Most CRCs still present symptomatically, and more effective population screening is needed.
机译:背景与目的:在过去的20年中,大肠癌(CRC)筛查得到了越来越多的提倡,但是几乎没有直接证据表明它已经在人群中影响了癌症的发病率或表现。这项研究评估了明尼苏达州奥尔姆斯特德县CRC发生率,表现,生存率,死亡率和多影症的并发趋势。方法:对1980年至1999年首次确诊的奥尔姆斯特德县所有大肠腺癌居民进行了纵向观察研究。结果:从1980年到1999年,奥尔姆斯特德县居民共诊断出889例浸润性CRC。在此期间,按年龄和性别调整的CRC发病率显着下降(P = .02),从1980年的每10万人中60例下降了23%。 -1984年为1995-1999年的100,000分之46。这主要是由于左侧CRC减少了40%(P <.001)。右侧CRC的发生率保持不变,但右侧CRC的比例从46%增加到58%。癌症分期向下移,生存期随时间增加。经屏幕检测的CRC的总体比例从8%上升到17%。年度调整后的腺瘤息肉切除率从100,000的86急剧增加到320(P <.001)。结论:奥尔姆斯特德县CRC的发病率近年来有所下降。筛查发现的病例中观察到的上升趋势,有利的分期变化和息肉切除率的同时上升提示了筛查的影响。但是,右侧癌的发生率保持不变,并且可能较少受历史使用的筛查干预的影响。大多数CRC仍在症状上出现,需要更有效的人群筛查。



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