首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Information Warfare >On the Importance of Protecting Critical Infrastructure related Engineering Descriptor Information (CIEDI)

On the Importance of Protecting Critical Infrastructure related Engineering Descriptor Information (CIEDI)


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The international security situation has lead to increased concern regarding malicious attacks against critical infrastructure (CI). CI encompasses a number of essential services some of which are water, electricity, and gas supply. For all such service-based assets there exists engineering information that includes architectural blueprints, structural composition data, and layout schema of key facilities. Such information exists within electronic systems and on paper as well. This paper argues that CIEDI must be recognized as part of the overall national CI as access to such information may assist attack on the CI itself. This paper proposes a definition of CIEDI and suggest CIEDI be addressed as part of the overall organizational security lifecycle with emphasis on maintaining uniform standards across physical and cyber media.
机译:国际安全形势已导致人们越来越关注对关键基础架构(CI)的恶意攻击。 CI包含许多基本服务,其中一些是水,电和气供应。对于所有此类基于服务的资产,都存在工程信息,其中包括建筑蓝图,结构组成数据和关键设施的布局方案。这样的信息存在于电子系统内以及纸上。本文认为,必须将CIEDI视为整个国家CI的一部分,因为获取此类信息可能会助长对CI本身的攻击。本文提出了CIEDI的定义,并建议将CIEDI作为整个组织安全生命周期的一部分来解决,重点是在物理和网络媒体之间保持统一的标准。



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