首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mammalogy >Roost fidelity and fission-fusion dynamics of white-striped free-tailed bats (Tadarida australis)

Roost fidelity and fission-fusion dynamics of white-striped free-tailed bats (Tadarida australis)

机译:白条纹无尾蝙蝠(Tadarida australis)的栖息保真度和裂变融合动力学

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The white-striped free-tailed bat (Tadarida australis) is a common species of insectivorous bat found in mainland Australia. Despite its abundance, very little is known about its roosting ecology. I used radiotelemetry collected during 3 seasons to examine roost fidelity and roosting associations of a summer roosting group. Bats were trapped at a large communal roost in subtropical urban Brisbane, Australia. A total of 132 radiotracking days and nights provided 509 bat-days of data, with each bat being tracked for 26.9 days +/- 28.6 SD. Seventeen new roost 2 trees were found, scattered throughout an area of >200 km(2). Roost cavities were located inside eucalypt trees >83 cm diameter at breast height. Tagged T. australis switched roosts every 10.6 +/- 7.9 days on average and spent most of their time in day-roosts with smaller roosting groups despite being 1st caught at the communal roost. I quantified associations between pairs of tagged bats using a painvise sharing index. The consistent negative values of the pairwise sharing index I calculated indicated that members associated with roost-mates less often than predicted by chance. However, bats typically associated at night at the communal roost, even when they did not occupy it during the day. For every day-visit recorded per bat at the communal roost, each bat visited the same roost twice at night on average. This suggests that nocturnal movements of individuals should be included in assessments of associations between individuals. I postulate that this species employs a fission-fusion pattern based on individual movements to and from I communal site. I also argue that the roost network of 1 communal roost and many satellite roosts may be regarded as a single interconnected unit.
机译:白色条纹的无尾蝙蝠(Tadarida australis)是在澳大利亚大陆发现的常见食虫蝙蝠。尽管栖息地丰富,但对其栖息地生态却知之甚少。我使用在3个季节中收集的无线电遥测技术来检查夏季栖息地组的栖息地保真度和栖息地关联。蝙蝠被困在澳大利亚亚热带城市布里斯班的一个大型公共栖息地。总共132个昼夜跟踪无线电提供了509蝙蝠日的数据,每个蝙蝠的追踪时间为26.9天+/- 28.6 SD。发现了17棵新的栖息2棵树,散布在大于200 km(2)的区域。栖息腔位于胸高处直径大于83厘米的桉树内。标记的澳大利亚南方锥虫平均每10.6 +/- 7.9天转换一次栖息地,并且大部分时间都花在较小的栖息地组的日间栖息地中,尽管它们在公共栖息地中排名第一。我使用痛苦分享指数对成对的蝙蝠之间的关联进行了量化。我计算的成对共享指数的一致负值表明与栖息伴侣关联的成员比偶然预测的频繁。但是,蝙蝠通常在晚上在公共栖息地相伴,即使白天没有被占用。对于每只蝙蝠在公共栖息地记录的每天访问次数,每只蝙蝠平均每晚都会访问同一栖息地两次。这表明,个人的夜间活动应包括在个人之间的联想评估中。我假设该物种采用裂变融合模式,该模式基于个体往返于公共场所的移动。我还认为,由1个公共栖息地和许多卫星栖息地组成的栖息地网络可被视为一个相互联系的单位。



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