首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mammalogy >Population genetic structure and natal philopatry in the widespread North American bat Myotis lucifugus

Population genetic structure and natal philopatry in the widespread North American bat Myotis lucifugus

机译:北美蝙蝠Myotis lucifugus的种群遗传结构和出生时间

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Molecular genetics tools have been used recently to investigate aspects of bat biology, including the degree of male- and female-driven gene flow among populations. However, none of this work has focused on the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus), one of the most common bats in North America. Previous work using markrecapture suggests that like many mammals, including other temperate vespertilionid bats, gene flow in this species is largely driven by males, whereas females return to the roosts in which they were born to rear pups. To determine if this species displays a pattern of population genetic structure that is consistent with this hypothesis I sampled 182 female M. lucifugus at 12 maternity colonies throughout Minnesota. Using a portion of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b and 10 polymorphic nuclear microsatellites, I found significant structure among colonies, and population differentiation was slightly higher for the mitochondrial locus. This supports the hypothesis that female M. lucifugus display some degree of natal philopatry, but the inferred female dispersal rate was high. The pattern of structure was complex and demonstrates that unequal gene flow among maternity colonies is occurring and that the co-occurrence of breeding populations within maternity colonies and/or inbreeding could be confounding estimates of population genetic structure among these colonies. The patterns of population genetic structure and natal philopatry imply that both seasonal migration and dispersal by females should be considered as possible factors in the spread of emerging infectious diseases such as white-nose syndrome.
机译:分子遗传学工具最近已用于研究蝙蝠生物学的各个方面,包括人口中男性和女性驱动的基因流动的程度。然而,这些工作都没有集中在北美最常见的蝙蝠之一的棕色蝙蝠(Myotis lucifugus)上。先前使用markrecapture进行的工作表明,与许多哺乳动物一样,包括其他温带的vespertilionid蝙蝠,该物种中的基因流在很大程度上由雄性驱动,而雌性则返回其后代幼仔出生的栖息地。为了确定该物种是否显示出与该假设相符的种群遗传结构模式,我在整个明尼苏达州的12个产妇殖民地取样了182例雌性M. lucifugus。使用线粒体基因的一部分细胞色素b和10个多态核微卫星,我发现菌落之间具有明显的结构,并且线粒体基因座的群体分化略高。这支持了如下假设:雌性M. lucifugus表现出一定程度的出生后的哲学倾向,但推断出的雌性散布率很高。结构模式是复杂的,表明产妇群体之间正在发生不平等的基因流动,并且产妇群体内和/或近交繁殖种群的同时存在可能会混淆这些群体中种群遗传结构的估计。人口遗传结构和出生时间的变化模式表明,应将女性的季节性迁徙和散播视为白鼻综合症等新兴传染病传播的可能因素。



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