首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Information Warfare >Applying Principles of Reflexive Control in Information and Cyber Operations

Applying Principles of Reflexive Control in Information and Cyber Operations


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According to Russian methodologies, the theory of Reflexive Control (RC) allows an initiator to induce an adversary to take a decision advantageous to the initiator through information manipulation. The RC theory encompasses a methodology where specifically prepared information is conveyed to an adversary, which would lead that adversary to make a decision desired by the initiator. The methodology is generally understood by Russian planners to be applicable in a wide variety of situations, and is deeply rooted within Russian Information Warfare concepts. Because theory envelops the Russian understanding of information as both technical data and cognitive content, 'information resources' are understood as technological as well as human. In principle, a well-developed (global) cyberspace presents theorists and operators of RC and RC methodology with numerous possibilities to affect their adversaries. This paper explores ways in which RC can be exercised with the help of the cyberspace.
机译:根据俄罗斯的方法,自反控制(RC)理论允许发起者通过信息操纵诱使对手做出有利于发起者的决定。 RC理论涵盖了一种方法,在该方法中,将专门准备的信息传达给对手,这将导致该对手做出发起者所希望的决策。俄罗斯计划人员普遍认为该方法适用于多种情况,并且深深扎根于俄罗斯信息战概念中。因为理论将俄国人对信息既是技术数据又是认知内容的理解所包围,所以“信息资源”既被理解为技术,也被理解为人类。原则上,发达的(全球)网络空间为RC的理论家和运营商以及RC方法论提供了影响其对手的众多可能性。本文探讨了在网络空间的帮助下行使RC的方式。



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