首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Information Warfare >Employment of 3D-Printed Guns in the 5D Battlespace

Employment of 3D-Printed Guns in the 5D Battlespace


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The emergence of 3D-printed guns over 2013-15 is part of a more fundamental shift in the dynamics of war caused by two different forms of convergence. One is technology convergence, and the second is the bundling-up of various tactical and operational concepts, developed over the last two decades. These have converged into a broad-based concept called five-dimensional operations or battlespace. The impact of this convergence has led to a reconfiguring of the logistics base for military capacity, as well as civil policing and security. This has also had an impact on logistics support for extremism and terrorism. The emergence of 3D-printed guns also involves an element of information deception and new tactics. The production-replication of a 3D-printed gun represents one extreme in the spectrum of terrorist 'tactics, techniques, and procedures'. At one end, there is the ongoing simplification of weapons and attacks to the extent that these are identical to daily common assaults and criminal raids, which can be random and uncoordinated. At the other end, there is the complexity of producing a non-traditional gun, the employment of which represents a highly focused use of offensive power.
机译:3D打印枪支的出现是在2013-15年度间发生的,这是由两种不同形式的融合导致的战争动力更根本性转变的一部分。第一个是技术融合,第二个是过去二十年来发展起来的各种战术和作战概念的捆绑。这些已经融合为一个广泛的概念,称为五维作战或战场。这种融合的影响导致重新配置了后勤基地的军事能力以及民事警务和安全。这也对对极端主义和恐怖主义的后勤支持产生了影响。 3D打印枪支的出现还涉及信息欺骗和新战术的要素。 3D打印枪的生产复制代表了恐怖分子“战术,技术和程序”中的一个极端。一方面,正在不断简化武器和攻击,以至于它们与日常的普通袭击和犯罪袭击相同,可能是随机的,不协调的。另一方面,生产非传统枪支的复杂性很高,使用这种枪支是进攻力量的高度集中使用。



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