首页> 外文期刊>Journal of loss prevention in the process industries >The management of process control deployment using interactions in risks analyses

The management of process control deployment using interactions in risks analyses


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The purpose of this article is to present the concept of risk typology and its use in the management of process control deployment at a fab-wide level. This research provides a comprehensive method based on Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis to control failures that count throughout an organization. The method employed in this research uses a model of risk analysis and typology to operate a demonstration and to infer management practices. It results from this model: (1) the demonstration of equalities among some typologies and (2) a practical manner to use it to manage the deployment of controls and feedbacks throughout an entire manufacturing system. A four years observation of process control deployment underlines the potential of this method to remove silos-effects among risks analyses. To conclude, the concept of typology can sustain process control management and especially the deployment of controls and feedbacks. An industrial observation evaluates its potential of development.



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