首页> 外文期刊>Journal of marine systems: journal of the European Association of Marine Sciences and Techniques >Assimilating NOAA SST data into BSH operational circulation model for the North and Baltic Seas: Part 2. Sensitivity of the forecast's skill to the prior model error statistics

Assimilating NOAA SST data into BSH operational circulation model for the North and Baltic Seas: Part 2. Sensitivity of the forecast's skill to the prior model error statistics

机译:将NOAA SST数据同化为北海和波罗的海的BSH业务环流模型:第2部分。预测技能对先前模型误差统计的敏感性

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A data assimilation (DA) system has been developed for the operational circulation model of the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in order to improve the forecast of hydrographic characteristics in the North and Baltic Seas. It is based on the local Singular Evolutive Interpolated Kalman (SEIK) filter algorithm and assimilation of the NOAA AVHRR-derived sea surface temperature (SST). The DA system allows one to improve the agreement of the SST forecast with the satellite observations by 27% on average over the period of October 2007-September 2008. However, a sensitivity analysis of the forecasting system performance shows a significant impact of initial model error statistics on ice fields and bottom temperature. A reinitialisation of model error covariances in accordance with seasonality of the model error statistics was required in order to maintain the predictive skill with respect to these variables. The success of the DA system is quantified by the comparison with independent data from MARNET stations as well as sea ice concentration measurements. In addition, the Maximum Entropy approach is used to assess the system performance and the prior and posterior model error statistics.
机译:为了改善北海和波罗的海的水文特征预报,已经为德国联邦海事和水文局(BSH)的运行环流模型开发了数据同化(DA)系统。它基于局部奇异演化内插卡尔曼(SEIK)滤波算法和NOAA AVHRR衍生的海面温度(SST)的同化。 DA系统可以使2007年10月至2008年9月期间SST预报与卫星观测的一致性平均提高27%。但是,对预报系统性能的敏感性分析表明,初始模型误差会产生重大影响冰原和底部温度的统计数据。为了保持关于这些变量的预测能力,需要根据模型误差统计的季节性重新初始化模型误差协方差。通过与来自MARNET站的独立数据以及海冰浓度测量值的比较,可以量化DA系统的成功。另外,最大熵方法用于评估系统性能以及模型前后统计误差统计。



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