首页> 外文期刊>Journal of loss prevention in the process industries >Internal corrosion hazard assessment of oil & gas pipelines using Bayesian belief network model

Internal corrosion hazard assessment of oil & gas pipelines using Bayesian belief network model


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A substantial amount of oil & gas products are transported and distributed via pipelines, which can stretch for thousands of kilometers. In British Columbia (BC), Canada, alone there are over 40,000 km of pipelines currently being operated. Because of the adverse environmental impact, public outrage and significant financial losses, the integrity of the pipelines is essential. More than 37 pipe failures per year occur in BC causing liquid spills and gas releases, damaging both property and environment. BC oil & gas commission (BCOGS) has indicated metal loss due to internal corrosion as one of the primary causes of these failures. Therefore, it is of a paramount importance to timely identify pipelines subjected to severe internal corrosion in order to improve corrosion mitigation and pipeline maintenance strategies, thus minimizing the likelihood of failure. To accomplish this task, this paper presents a Bayesian belief network (BBN)-based probabilistic internal corrosion hazard assessment approach for oil & gas pipelines. A cause-effect BBN model has been developed by considering various information, such as analytical corrosion models, expert knowledge and published literature. Multiple corrosion models and failure pressure models have been incorporated into a single flexible network to estimate corrosion defects and associated probability of failure (PoF). This paper also explores the influence of fluid composition and operating conditions on the corrosion rate and PoF. To demonstrate the application of the BBN model, a case study of the Northeastern BC oil & gas pipeline infrastructure is presented. Based on the pipeline's mechanical characteristics and operating conditions, spatial and probabilistic distributions of corrosion defect and PoF have been obtained and visualized with the aid of the Geographic Information System (GIS). The developed BBN model can identify vulnerable pipeline sections and rank them accordingly to enhance the informed decision-making process. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:大量的石油和天然气产品通过管道运输和分配,管道可以延伸数千公里。仅在加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省(BC),目前正在运行的管道超过40,000公里。由于不利的环境影响,公众的不满和重大的财务损失,管道的完整性至关重要。卑诗省每年发生超过37次管道故障,导致液体泄漏和气体释放,从而损害财产和环境。卑诗省石油和天然气委员会(BCOGS)指出,由于内部腐蚀而造成的金属损失是造成这些故障的主要原因之一。因此,至关重要的是及时识别遭受严重内部腐蚀的管道,以改善缓解腐蚀和管道维护策略,从而最大程度地减少故障的可能性。为了完成此任务,本文提出了一种基于贝叶斯信念网络(BBN)的石油和天然气管道概率内部腐蚀危害评估方法。通过考虑各种信息(例如分析腐蚀模型,专家知识和公开的文献),开发了因果BBN模型。多个腐蚀模型和破坏压力模型已被合并到一个灵活的网络中,以估计腐蚀缺陷和相关的破坏概率(PoF)。本文还探讨了流体成分和操作条件对腐蚀速率和PoF的影响。为了演示BBN模型的应用,以东北卑诗省油气管道基础设施为例。根据管道的机械特性和运行条件,借助地理信息系统(GIS)获得了腐蚀缺陷和PoF的空间和概率分布并进行了可视化。发达的BBN模型可以识别出易受攻击的管道段并对其进行相应排名,以增强明智的决策过程。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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