首页> 外文期刊>Journal of marine systems: journal of the European Association of Marine Sciences and Techniques >Soluble settlement cue in slowly moving water within coral reefs induces larval adhesion surfaces

Soluble settlement cue in slowly moving water within coral reefs induces larval adhesion surfaces


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Larvae of many benthic marine animals are induced to settle and metamorphose by dissolved chemical cues released by organisms on the substratum. Can dissolved cues released into the turbulent, wave-dominated flow typical of many shallow coastal areas affect the adhesion of settling larvae to benthic surfaces? We addressed this question using larvae of the nudibranch, Phestilla sibogae, which settle and metamorphose in response to a water-bome, species-specific metabolite of their prey, Porites compressa, abundant corals forming reefs in shallow habitats in Hawaii. Field measurements of water velocities showed oscillatory wave-driven flow above reefs with peak instantaneous velocities of 0.10-0.40 m/s, much slower back-and-forth water movement through the spaces within reefs with peak velocities of 0.02-0.04 m/s, and net shoreward transport of water through reefs of similar to0.01 m/s. We used a water channel in the laboratory to measure the wall shear stresses required to dislodge larvae of P sibogae from various surfaces. We found that cue from P compressa is necessary for the larvae to attach to surfaces and, if cue is dissolved in water bathing the larvae, they can adhere to surfaces other than living P compressa. After 2 h of exposure to cue and a surface, the adhesive strength of the larvae reached its peak value and did not change during the next 20 h. The mean nominal wall shear stress required to dislodge larvae of P sibogae attached to P compressa tissue (1.59 +/- 0.64 Pa, n= 10 experiments) was not significantly different from that necessary to wash them off coralline algae (2.53 +/- 2.45 Pa, n=8) encrusting coral skeleton collected within reefs, but they stuck more tightly to glass (4.26 +/- 1.04 Pa, n= 13). It is likely that most P sibogae larvae initially settle onto surfaces within reefs because (1) settlement cue released by P compressa and sinking larvae of P sibogae accumulate in the slowly moving water within a reef, (2) larvae exposed to cue are able to stick to surfaces such as coralline algae that are common within the reef, and (3) P sibogae develop their full attachment strength slowly, and the magnitude and frequency of peak shear stresses due to turbulent sweeps that might wash larvae off surfaces are much lower within than at the top of the reef. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
机译:许多底栖海洋动物的幼虫被基质上生物释放的溶解化学线索诱导而定居并变质。溶解的线索释放到许多浅海沿岸地区典型的湍流,波浪主导的流中,会不会影响沉降幼虫与底栖表面的粘附?我们使用裸udi科的幼虫Phestilla sibogae解决了这个问题,该幼虫响应于水生动物的特定物种的猎物Porcompress compressa而定居并变质,这些珊瑚在夏威夷的浅层栖息地形成礁石。水速度的现场测量表明,礁石上方的振荡波驱动的水流的瞬时峰值速度为0.10-0.40 m / s,通过礁石空间的来回水流速度要慢得多,峰值速度为0.02-0.04 m / s,通过礁石的水的净向岸运输速度约为0.01 m / s。我们在实验室中使用了一条水通道来测量从各个表面移出P sibogae幼虫所需的壁切应力。我们发现,P compressa的线索对于幼虫附着到表面是必要的,并且如果将其溶解在水中浸泡幼虫,它们可以粘附到除活P compressa以外的表面。暴露于提示和表面2小时后,幼虫的粘合强度达到峰值,在接下来的20小时内没有变化。去除附着在P compressa组织上的P sibogae幼虫所需的平均标称壁切应力(1.59 +/- 0.64 Pa,n = 10个实验)与将其洗去珊瑚藻所必需的平均名义剪应力(2.53 +/- 2.45)没有显着差异。 Pa,n = 8)包裹着珊瑚骨架,聚集在礁石中,但它们更牢固地粘附在玻璃上(4.26 +/- 1.04 Pa,n = 13)。大部分P sibogae幼虫很可能最初沉降在礁石表面上,因为(1)P compressa释放的沉降线索和P sibogae的下沉幼虫积聚在礁石中缓慢移动的水中,(2)暴露于该线索的幼虫能够粘在礁石上常见的珊瑚藻等表面上,并且(3)西伯利亚藻缓慢发展其充分的附着强度,并且由于湍流扫掠而产生的峰值剪切应力的大小和频率可能会使幼虫从表面上冲走,因此在该范围内,其水平要低得多。比在礁石的顶部。 (C)2004 Elsevier B.V保留所有权利。



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