首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Coherency strains influence on martensitic transformation of γ-Fe particles in compressed Cu-Fe alloy single crystals

Coherency strains influence on martensitic transformation of γ-Fe particles in compressed Cu-Fe alloy single crystals


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Single crystals of a Cu-Fe alloy, which containedspherical γ-Fe particles, were compressed up to shear strain of0.17 in liquid nitrogen bath. In the process of straining thestructural (optical and TEM) observations in as-deformed andpost-deformation annealed samples were provided. Thesubstructure of deformed samples was characterized by slightlydeveloped cell structure and lack of distinct layer-likearrangements of dislocations. Three kinds of particles were found:coherent and semi-coherent f.c.c. γ-Fe and martensitlciytransformed b.c.c. α-Fe. The critical diameter for coherency losswas found to be 58 nm at the initial stage of deformationdecreasing with strain to 50nm. Thses values coincided with thetheoretical estimations. It was suggested that relaxation ofcoherency strains around γ- Fe particles by the generation ofinterface dislocations might occur prior to the martensitictransformation. This assumption might explain the particle sizedependency of martensitic transformation.
机译:含有球形γ-Fe颗粒的Cu-Fe合金单晶在液氮浴中被压缩至剪切应变为0.17。在变形结构(光学和TEM)的过程中,提供了变形后和变形后退火样品的观察结果。变形样品的亚结构的特征是细胞结构稍发达,且位错缺乏明显的层状排列。发现了三种颗粒:相干和半相干f.c.c。 γ-Fe和马氏体转化的b.c.c. α-铁发现相干损失的临界直径在变形的初始阶段为58 nm,并随应变降低到50 nm。这些值与理论估计一致。有人认为,在马氏体转变之前,可能会由于界面位错的产生而使γ-Fe颗粒周围的相干应变松弛。该假设可以解释马氏体转变的粒度依赖性。



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