首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Undercooling in Co-Cu alloys and its effect on solidification structure

Undercooling in Co-Cu alloys and its effect on solidification structure


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Undercooling behaviour and solidification morphology change of various Co-Cu alloys were examined. Each alloy was melted in an alumina crucible under an argon atmosphere by high-frequency induction, and the cyclic heating and cooling was repeated several times in the temperature range between 1300 and 1850 K. The temperature change during the experiment was analysed under the Newtonian cooling assumption. The temperature curve showed that the undercooling in a first few cycles was negligibly small but it increased remarkably. The alloy was undercooled below the metastable liquid miscibility gap after the next several cycles. In these samples, liquid separation was observed. The homogeneously mixed spherical grains of copper-enriched phase were observed in cobalt-enriched matrix for the samples solidified immediately after the liquid separation. The two melts became coarser after the separation by mutual coalescence. In the case of the slow start of the solidification after the separation, they formed a clear interface between the upper cobalt-enriched layer and the lower copper-enriched layer located in the lower part according to the density difference between the two melts. It depended on the cooling rate after liquid separation. The very fine duplex structure can be obtained by the rapid cooling of the melt at the initial stage of the separation. [References: 11]
机译:研究了各种钴铜合金的过冷行为和凝固形态变化。将每种合金在高频气氛下在氩气氛下的氧化铝坩埚中熔化,并在1300至1850 K的温度范围内重复几次循环加热和冷却。在牛顿冷却下分析实验过程中的温度变化。假设。温度曲线表明,在最初的几个循环中过冷量可以忽略不计,但显着增加。在接下来的几个循环之后,将合金过冷至亚稳态液体混溶间隙以下。在这些样品中,观察到液体分离。在液体分离后立即凝固的样品中,在富钴基体中观察到了富铜相均匀混合的球形晶粒。通过相互合并分离后,两个熔体变得更粗糙。在分离后固化开始缓慢的情况下,它们根据两个熔体之间的密度差在上部富钴层和下部下部富铜层之间形成了清晰的界面。它取决于分液后的冷却速度。通过在分离的初始阶段对熔体进行快速冷却,可以获得非常精细的双链结构。 [参考:11]



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