首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Effect of grain growth and measurement on fracture toughness of silicon nitride ceramics

Effect of grain growth and measurement on fracture toughness of silicon nitride ceramics


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Two kinds of α-Si3N4 powders with differentproperties (high purity and low purity) were pressureless sinteredusing MgAl2O4-ZrO2 as sintering additives. The grain growth wascontrolled by sintering time and temperature. The fracturetoughness was determined using indentation microfracture (IM)and single-edge-precracked-beam (SEPB) methods. A discrepancyof fracture toughness was found between the values obtained bythese two methods, and the SEPB method provided higher fracturetoughness than the IM method. Materials with more largeelongated Si3N4 grains gave higher fracture toughness, R-curvebehavior and larger discrepancy. This is contributed to the effectsof grain bridging, pullout and deflection by the large elongatedSi3N4 grains. Comparing the specimens from two kinds of α-Si3N4 powders with different purity level, both gave high fracturetoughness of over 9MPa·m1/2 by the SEPB method, while the E10samples have a little higher flexural strength.
机译:以MgAl2O4-ZrO2为烧结助剂,对两种性质(高纯度和低纯度)的α-Si3N4粉末进行了无压烧结。通过烧结时间和温度来控制晶粒的生长。使用压痕微裂缝(IM)和单边缘预裂梁(SEPB)方法确定断裂韧性。发现这两种方法获得的值之间存在断裂韧性差异,并且SEPB方法提供的断裂韧性高于IM方法。 Si3N4晶粒较大的材料具有较高的断裂韧性,R曲线行为和较大的差异。这是由于较大的细长Si3N4晶粒导致晶粒桥接,拔出和变形的影响。比较两种不同纯度的α-Si3N4粉末的试样,通过SEPB方法均获得了超过9MPa·m1 / 2的高断裂韧性,而E10试样的抗弯强度略高。



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