首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Korean Institute of Metal and Materials >The Crevice Corrosion Behaviors and the Repassivation Characteristics of Ni and Ni(15, 30 percent)Cr Alloys

The Crevice Corrosion Behaviors and the Repassivation Characteristics of Ni and Ni(15, 30 percent)Cr Alloys


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Characteristics of crevice corrosion on pure Ni and Ni-(15, 30 percent)Cr alloys were investigated, using the specially designed crevice cell and the micro Luggin capillary in IN H_2SO_4 solution with and without chloride ion. The potential profiles inside the crevice and the cell currents were measured with the variation of alloying element, Cr, applied potential, chloride ion concentration and immersion time. In order to examine repassivation characteristics, the abrading electrode measurements were performed. Experimental results showed that the repassivation kinetics of pure Ni and Ni-(15, 30 percent)Cr alloys after the passive film breakdown can be described as i = At~(-n) where n is the repassivation rate parameter. An attempt was made to establish the relationship between the occurrence of crevice corrosion and the repassivation rate parameter, n.
机译:使用专门设计的缝隙池和微鲁金毛细管在含或不含氯离子的IN H_2SO_4溶液中,研究了纯Ni和Ni-(15%,30%)Cr合金的缝隙腐蚀特征。通过合金元素,Cr,施加电势,氯离子浓度和浸泡时间的变化来测量缝隙内部的电势分布和电池电流。为了检查再钝化特性,进行了研磨电极的测量。实验结果表明,在钝化膜击穿后,纯Ni和Ni-(15%,30%)Cr合金的再钝化动力学可表示为i = At〜(-n),其中n是再钝化率参数。试图建立缝隙腐蚀的发生与再钝化速率参数n之间的关系。



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