首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Korean Forestry Society >Spatial Pattern of Acer tegmentosum in the Mixed Broadleaved-Korean Pine Forest of Xiaoxing'an Mountains, China

Spatial Pattern of Acer tegmentosum in the Mixed Broadleaved-Korean Pine Forest of Xiaoxing'an Mountains, China


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The heterogeneity of forest environment plays an important role in the structure and dynamics of tree population, the composition of forest community, and the maintenance of species diversity. Based upon the research data of the nine hectare permanentplot in the typical mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest, this study was conducted to analyze the characteristics of spatial pattern of Acer tegmentosum population for seedlings, saplings, and living and dead trees so as to evaluate the effect of micro-topography on spatial pattern of the species. The results noted that A. tegmentosum preferred to gentle slopes. There was no difference in density of seedlings by the variation of aspect, but the density of saplings, and living and dead trees was high onthe western and southeastern slopes. Living trees of A. tegmentosum showed the clumped pattern for all scales within 150 m and highest at the scale of 30m. Dead stems of the species indicated the clumped pattern within Him, highest at the scale of 72 m,and random pattern beyond the scale of Him (P < 0.01). The similarity of occurrence by developmental stages of A. tegmentosum showed that seedlings vs. saplings, saplings vs. living trees, and living trees vs. dead stems had highly positive correlationto each other, respectively (P < 0.01), indicating that the occurrence of previous developmental stages was positively correlated to following stages.
机译:森林环境的异质性在树木种群的结构和动态,森林群落的组成以及物种多样性的维持中起着重要作用。基于典型的阔叶混交红松林中9公顷永久性地块的研究数据,本研究分析了枫树枫木种群的空间格局特征,包括苗木,幼树,活体和枯死树木。微观地形对物种空间格局的影响结果表明,A。tegmentosum偏爱缓坡。形态的变化没有引起幼苗密度的差异,但在西部和东南部的山坡上,幼树的密度以及活树和枯树的密度都很高。 A. tegmentosum的活树在150 m以内的所有尺度上都显示出成簇的模式,在30m的尺度上最高。该物种的死茎表明他内部呈团簇状,最高为72 m,而随机形态超出了他(P <0.01)。 A. tegmentosum的发育阶段出现的相似性表明,幼苗与幼树,幼树与活树以及活树与死茎之间的相关性分别为正相关(P <0.01),表明先前的发育阶段与随后的阶段呈正相关。



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