首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Korean Forestry Society >Ecological Characteristics of Trioza ukogi (Shinji) (Homoptera: Triozidae) in Korea

Ecological Characteristics of Trioza ukogi (Shinji) (Homoptera: Triozidae) in Korea


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This study was investigate to ecological characteristic of Trioza ukogi (shinji) on the Acanthopanax senticosus for. inermis Harms during 2004-2005 in Korea. The sizes of Trioza ukogi (shinji) were 0.40 + 0.03 mm in eggs, 0.36 + 0.03 mm in 1st instarnymphs, 2.50 + 0.25 mm in mature nymphs and 5.17 + 0.28 mm in adults (to tip of folded wings), respectively. T. ukogi has two generations per year. First generation appeared from mid-July to late August with peak in early August. Second generation appeared from mid-September to mid-October with peak in late September. Overwintering adults move to host tree and mate from the early April to late May with peak in late April. Overwintering female laid on the new leaves and first generation prefers to lay onthe seeds. The number of ovarian eggs was 57.5 + 23.
机译:本研究对刺五加木的生态特征进行了调查。 inermis在2004年至2005年期间对韩国造成危害。 Trioza ukogi(shinji)的卵大小分别为:鸡蛋0.40 + 0.03毫米,第一龄若虫0.36 + 0.03毫米,成熟若虫2.50 + 0.25毫米,成虫5.17 + 0.28毫米(折叠翅膀的尖端)。每年的T. ukogi有两代。第一代从7月中旬到8月下旬出现,并在8月初达到顶峰。第二代从9月中旬到10月中旬出现,并在9月下旬达到高峰。越冬的成虫从4月初到5月下旬迁至寄主树和交配,4月下旬达到高峰。越冬的雌性躺在新叶子上,第一代人更喜欢在种子上放置。卵巢卵数为57.5 + 23。



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