首页> 外文期刊>Journal of managed care pharmacy : >Development of a conceptual model of adherence to oral anticoagulants to reduce risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation

Development of a conceptual model of adherence to oral anticoagulants to reduce risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation


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BACKGROUND: Oral anticoagulant (OA) medication is the recommended therapy for reducing the risk of thromboembolic complications in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), and warfarin is the medication most frequently used. However, nonadherence associated with OA medications may lead to considerable health risks. A conceptual model of OA medication adherence in patients with AF could clarify factors affecting adherence, thereby assisting in the development and structuring of adherence-promotion programs. To our knowledge, such a model, driven by information obtained directly from patients, has never been developed. OBJECTIVE: To develop a conceptual model of adherence to OA medication based on a literature review and patient feedback via qualitative research among patients with AF. METHODS: A literature search was conducted of English-language articles published between the years 2005 and 2010 that related to factors affecting OA medication adherence, excluding articles pertaining to AF associated with mechanical heart valve replacement. To expand on the literature review findings, 4 focus groups totaling 38 participants aged 60 years or older, diagnosed with nonvalvular AF, and currently taking any OA medication were conducted in 2011. Participants completed the Modified Morisky Scale (MMS), with subscales measuring motivation and knowledge, and were asked about daily processes and behaviors related to taking OA medication. The identification of focus group themes was based on the frequency of participant report and endorsement; themes were spontaneously mentioned or supported by at least 2 people in each of at least 3 focus groups. Model concepts, based on focus group themes and factors identified in the literature review, were determined by the consensus of 3 authors. RESULTS: 181 publications were identified; 30 were selected for full-text review. The focus group participants had a mean age of 69.9 years. Most participants reported a diagnosis of hypertension (86.8%, n = 33), high cholesterol (50.0%, n = 19), heart disease or chronic heart failure (31.6%, n = 12), or diabetes (28.9%, n = 11). Most (89.5%, n = 34) were taking warfarin. About one-half (52.6%, n = 20) had been taking an OA medication for less than 5 years. On the MMS, 78.9% of participants reported high levels of motivation, and 100% reported high levels of knowledge. Four concepts emerged from the focus groups and were supported by the literature for inclusion in the model: (a) knowledge base of the disease and continued reinforcement (i.e., health care professional reinforcement); (b) shortterm and long-term motivation (e.g., avoidance of negative health consequences); (c) personalized system, habit formation, and system adaptation (e.g., developing a routine or external reminders); and (d) self-efficacy loop (i.e., the personalized system and its adaptability are reinforced as patients become more consistent, confident, and adherent). The literature review also suggested other factors that may also affect patient adherence (e.g., demographic, psychosocial, cognitive). RESEARCH CONCLUSION: Adherence in patients with AF is complex and involves multiple factors, some specific to each individual and others more general. This model identifies an adherence process that can guide opportunities for effective interventions, such as educational and behavioral programs targeted at these processes, to improve patient adherence to OA medication.
机译:背景:口服抗凝药(OA)是减少房颤(AF)患者血栓栓塞并发症风险的推荐疗法,华法林是最常用的药物。但是,与OA药物相关的不依从性可能导致相当大的健康风险。 AF患者OA药物依从性的概念模型可以阐明影响依从性的因素,从而帮助制定和构建依从性促进计划。据我们所知,这种模型是由直接从患者那里获得的信息驱动的,从未开发过。目的:基于文献回顾和定性研究,对房颤患者进行患者反馈,以建立对OA药物依从性的概念模型。方法:对2005年至2010年间发表的与影响OA药物依从性的因素有关的英语文章进行了文献检索,但不包括与机械性心脏瓣膜置换相关的AF文章。为了扩大文献综述的结果,2011年进行了4个焦点小组,共38名60岁或60岁以上,被诊断患有非瓣膜性心房颤动并且目前正在服用OA药物的参与者。参与者完成了改良莫里斯基量表(MMS),其中子量表用于测量动机和知识,并询问有关服用OA药物的日常流程和行为。确定焦点小组主题的依据是参与者报告和认可的频率;至少三个焦点小组中的每个小组中至少有两个人自发提及或支持了这些主题。模型概念是根据三位作者的共识确定的,这些概念基于焦点小组主题和文献综述中确定的因素。结果:鉴定出181篇出版物;选择了30个进行全文审查。焦点小组参与者的平均年龄为69.9岁。大多数参与者报告诊断出患有高血压(86.8%,n = 33),高胆固醇(50.0%,n = 19),心脏病或慢性心力衰竭(31.6%,n = 12)或糖尿病(28.9%,n = 11)。大多数(89.5%,n = 34)服用华法林。大约有一半(52.6%,n = 20)服用OA药物不到5年。在MMS上,78.9%的参与者报告了很高的动机,而100%的参与者报告了很高的知识。焦点小组提出了四个概念,并得到了文献的支持,可以纳入模型:(a)疾病知识和持续强化(即医疗专业人员强化); (b)短期和长期动机(例如,避免对健康造成负面影响); (c)个性化的系统,习惯养成和系统适应性(例如,制定常规或外部提醒); (d)自我效能感循环(即,随着患者变得更加一致,自信和坚持,个性化系统及其适应性将得到增强)。文献综述还提出了可能也会影响患者依从性的其他因素(例如人口统计,社会心理,认知)。研究结论:房颤患者的依从性很复杂,涉及多个因素,有些因素具体针对每个个体,而其他因素则更为普遍。该模型确定了依从过程,可以指导有效干预措施的机会,例如针对这些过程的教育和行为计划,以提高患者对OA药物的依从性。



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