首页> 外文期刊>Journal of managed care pharmacy : >Analysis of pharmacist-provided medication therapy management (MTM) services in community pharmacies over 7 years.

Analysis of pharmacist-provided medication therapy management (MTM) services in community pharmacies over 7 years.


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BACKGROUND: Although community pharmacists have historically been paid primarily for drug distribution and dispensing services, medication therapy management (MTM) services evolved in the 1990s as a means for pharmacists and other providers to assist physicians and patients in managing clinical, service, and cost outcomes of drug therapy. The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA 2003) and the subsequent implementation of Medicare Part D in January 2006 for the more than 20 million Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in the Part D benefit formalized MTM services for a subset of high-cost patients. Although Medicare Part D has provided a new opportunity for defining the value of pharmacist-provided MTM services in the health care system, few publications exist which quantify changes in the provision of pharmacist-provided MTM services over time. OBJECTIVES: To (a) describe the changes over a 7-year period in the primary types of MTM services provided by community pharmacies that have contracted with drug plan sponsors through an MTM administrative services company, and (b) quantify potential MTM-related cost savings based on pharmacists' self-assessments of the likely effects of their interventions on health care utilization. METHODS: Medication therapy management claims from a multistate MTM administrative services company were analyzed over the 7-year period from January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2006. Data extracted from each MTM claim included patient demographics (e.g., age and gender), the drug and type that triggered the intervention (e.g., drug therapeutic class and therapy type as either acute, intermittent, or chronic), and specific information about the service provided (e.g., Reason, Action, Result, and Estimated Cost Avoidance [ECA]). ECA values are derived from average national health care utilization costs, which are applied to pharmacist self-assessment of the reasonable and foreseeable annually for medical care inflation. RESULTS: From a database of nearly 100,000 MTM claims, a convenience sample of 50 plan sponsors was selected. After exclusion of claims with missing or potentially duplicate data, there were 76,148 claims for 23,798 patients from community pharmacy MTM providers in 47 states. Over the 7-year period from January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2006, the mean ([SD] median) pharmacy reimbursement was Dollars 8.44 ([Dollars 5.19] Dollars 7.00) per MTM service, and the mean ([SD] median) ECA was Dollars 93.78 ([Dollars 1,022.23] Dollars 5.00). During the 7-year period, pharmacist provided MTM interventions changed from primarily education and monitoring for new or changed prescription therapies to prescriber consultations regarding cost-efficacy management (Pearson chi-square P<0.001). Services also shifted from claims involving acute medications (e.g. penicillin antibiotics, macrolide antibiotics, and narcotic analgesics) to services involving chronic medications (e.g., lipid lowering agents, angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors, and beta-blockers; P<0.001), resulting in significant changes in the therapeutic classes associated with MTM claims and an increase in the proportion of older patients served (P<0.001). These trends resulted in higher pharmacy reimbursements and greater ECA per claim over time (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: MTM interventions over a 7-year period evolved from primarily the provision of patient education involving acute medications towards consultation-type services for chronic medications. These changes were associated with increases in reimbursement amounts and pharmacist-estimated cost savings. It is uncertain if this shift in service type is a result of clinical need, documentation requirements, or reimbursement opportunities.
机译:背景:尽管从历史上看,社区药师主要是为药物分配和配药服务而付费,但1990年代,药物治疗管理(MTM)服务逐渐发展为药师和其他提供者协助医师和患者管理临床,服务和成本结果的一种手段药物治疗。 2003年的《医疗保险处方药,改良和现代化法案》(MMA 2003)以及随后于2006年1月实施的医疗保险D部分,为参加D部分的超过2000万医疗保险受益人提供了针对一部分高收入人群的正规MTM服务花费病人。尽管Medicare D部分为在医疗保健系统中定义由药剂师提供的MTM服务的价值提供了新的机会,但很少有出版物可以量化随着时间的推移由药剂师提供的MTM服务的变化。目标:(a)描述在过去7年中,通过MTM行政服务公司与药品计划发起人签约的社区药房提供的主要MTM服务类型的变化,以及(b)量化与MTM相关的潜在成本根据药剂师对干预措施对卫生保健利用的可能影响的自我评估得出的节省。方法:从2000年1月1日至2006年12月31日这7年中,分析了多州MTM行政服务公司的药物治疗管理主张。从每项MTM主张中提取的数据包括患者的人口统计资料(例如年龄和性别),触发干预的药物和类型(例如,急性,间歇性或慢性药物治疗类型和治疗类型),以及有关所提供服务的具体信息(例如,原因,措施,结果和避免成本估算[ECA] )。 ECA值是根据全国平均医疗保健使用成本得出的,该成本每年用于合理且可预见的医疗费用上涨的药剂师自我评估中。结果:从近100,000个MTM索赔的数据库中,选择了50个计划发起人的便利样本。排除缺少或可能有重复数据的索赔之后,来自47个州的社区药房MTM提供者的76,148例索赔来自23 798名患者。从2000年1月1日到2006年12月31日的7年中,每笔MTM服务的平均药房费用报销为$ 8.44($ 5.19美元); ECA为93.78美元([Dollars 1,022.23] USD 5.00)。在7年的时间里,药剂师提供了MTM干预措施,从最初的教育和监控新的或更改的处方疗法改变为关于成本效益管理的处方咨询(Pearson卡方P <0.001)。服务也从涉及急性药物(例如青霉素抗生素,大环内酯类抗生素和麻醉性镇痛药)的索赔转移到涉及慢性药物(例如降脂药,血管紧张素转化酶[ACE]抑制剂和β受体阻滞剂的P; 0.001)的服务。 ,导致与MTM索赔相关的治疗类别发生重大变化,并且所服务的老年患者比例增加(P <0.001)。这些趋势导致随着时间的推移,更高的药房报销和每项索赔的ECA更高(P <0.001)。结论:在7年的时间里,MTM干预措施从最初的提供涉及急性药物的患者教育发展到了针对慢性药物的咨询式服务。这些变化与报销金额的增加和药剂师估计的成本节省有关。服务类型的这种转变是否是临床需要,文件要求或报销机会的结果尚不确定。



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