首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development >Using Cointegrated VAR Modeling to Comparatively and Empirically Assess Effects of Alternatively-Focused Policies on U.S. Soft Wheat Markets

Using Cointegrated VAR Modeling to Comparatively and Empirically Assess Effects of Alternatively-Focused Policies on U.S. Soft Wheat Markets


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After establishing the importance to policy formation and analysis of U.S. wheat product markets, the paper extends prior research on quarterly U.S. all-wheat product markets by applying, for the first time, cointegrated VAR modeling to a monthly system of U.S. soft wheat markets that includes a soft wheat futures market linkage. The study then uses the estimated upstream/downstream U.S. soft wheat market product model to comparatively and empirically assess the effectiveness of two sets of policies/events in influencing and managing the markets through price: selected commodity-focused farm/trade policies/events vs. those focused on financial and futures markets. First time empirical econometric assessments are generated that demonstrate that the policies/events with a commodity focus are more than doubly effective than financial/futures policies/events in influencing and managing the modeled soft wheat-based markets, and any patterns of wheat-based food price inflation that should arise. Resultsprovide the first empirical estimates of how financial/futures market events/policies have real, statistically strong effects on the modeled soft wheat-based markets. Policy insights for the modeled soft wheat markets are also provided concerning trade agreements and trade remedies such as TRQs and dumping/countervailing duty orders.



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