首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Invertebrate Pathology >Development of a real-time PCR for detection of the oyster pathogen Nocardia crassostreae based on its homogeneous 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region.

Development of a real-time PCR for detection of the oyster pathogen Nocardia crassostreae based on its homogeneous 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region.

机译:基于同质的16S-23S rRNA基因间隔区,开发一种实时PCR检测牡蛎病原体诺卡氏夜蛾。

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Nocardia crassostreae, the causative agent of Pacific oyster nocardiosis (PON), is a Gram-positive actinomycete bacterium associated with Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) mortalities. Oysters infected with this bacterium have been reported previously from the west coast of North America and Japan. More recently, N. crassostreae was reported in oyster culture areas in the Netherlands. In this study, a sensitive real-time PCR for specific detection of N. crassostreae was developed, and the intra-species divergence of N. crassostreae from different geographical locations was studied. The 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer (ITS) region of N. crassostreae was sequenced for a number of infected oysters originating from the Netherlands, Japan and Canada. The sequence analyses showed an absence of genetic variation in the ITS region between N. crassostreae from different geographical locations. Based on these ITS sequences a species-specific and highly sensitive SYBR Green real-time PCR assay was developed to facilitate detection of N. crassostreae in oyster tissue. To evaluate this new detection tool for N. crassostreae a preliminary validation was carried out and real-time PCR results were compared with other detection methods (histology, conventional PCR and bacterial isolation) using field samples from Lake Grevelingen, the Netherlands. The genetic homogeneity in the ITS region between N. crassostreae from different geographical locations might be explained by the recent spread of the organism via the international trade in Pacific oysters for aquaculture purposes. However, the lack of genetic variation could also suggest that N. crassostreae is a genetically monomorphic species.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2013.07.002
机译:克氏诺卡氏菌是太平洋牡蛎诺氏病(PON)的病原体,是与太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)死亡率相关的革兰氏阳性放线菌细菌。以前有报道称这种细菌感染的牡蛎来自北美和日本的西海岸。最近,荷兰的牡蛎养殖区报道了猪笼草。在这项研究中,开发了一种灵敏的实时荧光定量PCR技术,用于特异性检测十字花螺猪笼草,并研究了不同地理位置的十字花猪笼草的种内差异。针对来自荷兰,日本和加拿大的许多受感染牡蛎,对猪笼草的16S-23S rRNA基因间隔区(ITS)进行了测序。序列分析表明,来自不同地理位置的N. crassostreae之间的ITS区没有遗传变异。基于这些ITS序列,开发了一种物种特异性和高度敏感的SYBR Green实时PCR检测方法,以促进牡蛎组织中猪笼草的检测。为了评估这种新的克雷索氏菌检测工具,进行了初步验证,并将实时PCR结果与其他检测方法(组织学,常规PCR和细菌分离)进行了比较,使用的是来自荷兰格里维林根湖的田间样品。来自不同地理位置的十字形猪笼草之间ITS区域的遗传同质性可能是由于该生物最近通过以水产养殖为目的的国际牡蛎贸易而传播。然而,缺乏遗传变异也可能表明十字花猪笼草是遗传上的单态物种.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2013.07.002



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