首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Invertebrate Pathology >Diversity and distribution of entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae) in South Africa

Diversity and distribution of entomopathogenic nematodes (Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae) in South Africa


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A total of 1506 soil samples from different habitats in seven geographic regions of South Africa were evaluated for the presence of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN). Nematodes were isolated from 5% of the samples. Among the steinernematids, four Steinernema sp. were recovered including Steinernema khoisanae and three new undescribed species. Although steinernematids were recovered from both humid subtropical and semiarid regions, this family accounted for 80% of EPN recovered from the semiarid climate zones characterised by sandy, acidic soils. Eight isolates of S. khoisanae were recovered from the Western Cape province. One of the new undescribed steinernematids (Steinernema sp. 1) was recovered only from the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal provinces where humid subtropical conditions prevail and soils are generally less acidic with higher clay content. A high level of adaptation, however, was noted with Steinernema sp. 2, which was recovered from a wide range of soil conditions and habitats ranging from semiarid (Western Cape province) to humid subtropical (KwaZulu-Natal province). A third undescribed steinernematid, Steinernema sp. 3, seemed better adapted to heavier soils with more than 80% of isolates recovered from fruit orchards in the Free State province. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora was the only heterorhabditid recovered during this survey. This species was particularly prevalent in four provinces ranging from humid subtropical to semiarid regions. Isolation of EPN directly from insect cadavers included Steinernema sp. 2 and one H. bacteriophora from an unidentified white grub (Scarabaeidae) cadaver (i.e., dual infection) and H. bacteriophora from the black vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus.
机译:评估了来自南非七个地理区域不同栖息地的总共1506个土壤样品中是否存在昆虫病原线虫(EPN)。从5%的样品中分离出线虫。在steinernematids,四个Steinernema sp。回收了包括Steinernema khoisanae和三个未描述的新物种。尽管从湿润的亚热带和半干旱地区都回收了类固醇,但该科占从以沙质酸性土壤为特征的半干旱气候区回收的EPN的80%。从西开普省回收了八株链球菌。仅从自由州和夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省(其中潮湿的亚热带条件盛行,土壤酸性通常较低,粘土含量较高)中回收了一种新型的未描述的类固醇(Steinernema sp。1)。但是,Steinernema sp。注意到了高度的适应性。 2,从半干旱地区(西开普省)到潮湿的亚热带地区(夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省)的各种土壤条件和栖息地中回收。第三个未描述的类固醇,Steinernema sp。 3,似乎更适合较重的土壤,其中有80%以上的分离株是从自由州省的果园中回收的。杂种细菌性细菌是本次调查中唯一发现的异种。该物种在从潮湿的亚热带到半干旱地区的四个省中特别普遍。从昆虫尸体中直接分离EPN包括Steinernema sp.。 2个和一个来自未知白white(Scarabaeidae)尸体(即双重感染)的H.细菌和来自黑藤象鼻虫Otiorhynchus sulcatus的H.细菌。



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