首页> 外文期刊>Journal of interventional cardiac electrophysiology: an international journal of arrhythmias and pacing >Success rate of catheter ablation in atrial flutter: comparison of a 4- or 5-mm tip electrode catheter with an 8-mm tip electrode catheter.

Success rate of catheter ablation in atrial flutter: comparison of a 4- or 5-mm tip electrode catheter with an 8-mm tip electrode catheter.


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BACKGROUND: Radio frequency (RF) energy is capable of interrupting the reentrant circuit of atrial flutter and curing the arrhythmia. The development of 8-mm tip catheter provides more tissue damage and has offered the promise of improved success. The purpose of our study was to determine if the acute and long-term success with the 8-mm tips were superior to the 4- or 5-mm tips. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The outcomes of the first 20 patients in whom an 8-mm tip catheter was used were compared with the previous 20 patients in whom a 4-or 5-mm tip catheter was used. Procedural (acute) ablation success was defined by creation of bi-directional isthmus block. Long-term success was defined as the prevention of clinically evident atrial flutter (AFl) as determined by the absence of symptoms or maintenance of sinus rhythm on electrocardiogram, six months to one year after the procedure. RESULTS: Compared to the 4- or 5-mm tip, the 8-mm catheter tip was associated with a reduced ablation duration {22.3 +/- 16 versus 11.5 +/- 5 min (p 0.0078)}, a lower mean number of ablations {13.5 +/- 9.9 versus 6.8 +/- 2.9 (p 0.0065)} and a reduced procedure time {1.8 +/- 0.7 versus 1.1 +/- 0.5 h (p 0.0032)}. Acute success was 95% in the 4- or 5-mm group versus 80% in the 8-mm group (p = NS), but long-term success was higher in the 8-mm group than the 4- or 5-mm group (87.5 versus 63.2%, p = 0.0436). CONCLUSIONS: Eight-millimeter tip catheters for AFl shorten procedure time, reduce the duration and number of ablations and accomplish bi-directional block when compared with smaller tipped catheters. The long-term success rate is better with the 8-mm tips and should be the preferred catheter for RF ablation of AFl.
机译:背景:射频(RF)能量能够中断房扑的折返回路并治愈心律不齐。 8毫米尖端导管的发展提供了更多的组织损伤,并有望提高成功率。我们研究的目的是确定8毫米针头的急性和长期成功是否优于4或5毫米针头。材料与方法:比较了前20名使用8毫米尖端导管的患者和前20名使用4或5毫米尖端导管的患者的结局。程序性(急性)消融成功是通过创建双向峡部阻滞来定义的。长期成功的定义是,在手术后六个月至一年,通过无症状或心电图维持窦性心律来确定预防临床上明显的心房扑动(AFl)。结果:与4或5毫米针头相比,8毫米导管针头与消融持续时间缩短有关[22.3 +/- 16比11.5 +/- 5分钟(p 0.0078)},平均消融时间更短。消融{13.5 +/- 9.9对6.8 +/- 2.9(p 0.0065)}和缩短的手术时间{1.8 +/- 0.7对1.1 +/- 0.5 h(p 0.0032)}。 4或5毫米组的急性成功率为95%,而8毫米组为80%(p = NS),但8毫米组的长期成功率高于4或5毫米组(87.5%对63.2%,p = 0.0436)。结论:与较小的尖端导管相比,用于AFI的八毫米尖端导管缩短了手术时间,减少了消融的持续时间和次数,并实现了双向阻塞。使用8 mm针头的长期成功率更高,应该是射频消融AF1的首选导管。



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