首页> 外文期刊>Journal of international development: The journal of the development studies association >Welfare Impacts of Microcredit Programmes: An Empirical Investigation in the State-Designated Poor Counties of Shaanxi, China

Welfare Impacts of Microcredit Programmes: An Empirical Investigation in the State-Designated Poor Counties of Shaanxi, China


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This paper evaluates the welfare impacts of microcredit programmes and the activities of non-governmental organization microfinance service providers in state-designated poor counties of Shaanxi, China. Study results suggest positive impacts on microcredit programme participants with respect to increased income (by 4.07 per cent), general expenditures (6.45 per cent) and savings (3.13 per cent). Top income quartile participants experience more benefits, and women gain greater access to decision-making. These findings suggest that successful and sustainable microcredit intervention improves lives and plays an important role in improving rural economy, possibly reducing inequality between rural and urban areas in China. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:本文评估了小额信贷计划对福利的影响以及中国国家指定贫困县的非政府组织小额信贷服务提供者的活动。研究结果表明,在增加收入(增加4.07%),一般支出(6.45%)和储蓄(3.13%)方面,对小额信贷方案参与者产生了积极影响。收入最高的四分之一参与者会获得更多好处,并且妇女可以获得更多的决策机会。这些发现表明,成功且可持续的小额信贷干预措施可以改善生活,并在改善农村经济中发挥重要作用,并有可能减少中国城乡之间的不平等现象。版权所有(c)2014 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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