首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >A pragmatic method for estimating seepage losses for small reservoirs with application in rural India

A pragmatic method for estimating seepage losses for small reservoirs with application in rural India


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The informal construction of small dams to capture runoff and artificially recharge ground water is a widespread strategy for dealing with water scarcity. A lack of technical capacity for the formal characterization of these systems, however, is often an impediment to the implementation of effective watershed management practices. Monitoring changes in reservoir storage provides a conceptually simple approach to quantify seepage, but does not account for the losses occurring when seepage is balanced by inflows to the reservoir and the stage remains approximately constant. To overcome this problem we evaluate whether a physically-based volume balance model that explicitly represents watershed processes, including reservoir inflows, can be constrained by a limited set of data readily collected by non-experts, specifically records of reservoir stage, rainfall, and evaporation. To assess the impact of parameter non-uniqueness associated with the calibration of the non-linear model, we perform a Monte Carlo analysis to quantify uncertainty in the total volume of water contributed to the subsurface by the 2007 monsoon for a dam located in the Deccan basalts near the village of Salri in Madhya Pradesh, India. The Monte Carlo analysis demonstrated that subsurface losses from the reservoir could be constrained with the available data, but additional measurements are required to constrain reservoir inflows. Our estimate of seepage from the reservoir (7.0 +/- 0.6 x 10(4) m(3)) is 3.5 times greater than the recharge volume estimated by considering reservoir volume changes alone. This result suggests that artificial recharge could be significantly underestimated when reservoir inflows are not explicitly included in models. Our seepage estimate also accounts for about 11% of rainfall occurring upstream of the dam and is comparable in magnitude to natural ground water recharge, thereby indicating that the reservoir plays a significant role in the hydrology of this small watershed.
机译:非正式的小型水坝建设以捕获径流并人工补给地下水是应对缺水的普遍策略。但是,缺乏对这些系统进行正式表征的技术能力,通常会阻碍实施有效的流域管理做法。监测储层存储量的变化提供了一种概念上简单的方法来量化渗流,但是并没有考虑到渗流被储层的入流平衡并且阶段保持大致恒定时发生的损失。为了克服这个问题,我们评估了是否可以通过非专家很容易收集的有限数据集(明确地表示水库阶段,降雨量和蒸发量的记录)来约束基于物理的体积平衡模型,该模型明确表示流域过程,包括水库的流入量。 。为了评估与非线性模型校准相关的参数非唯一性的影响,我们执行了蒙特卡洛分析,以量化2007年季风对位于Deccan上的大坝造成的地下水总量的不确定性Salri村附近的玄武岩在印度中央邦。蒙特卡洛分析表明,储层的地下损失可能受到可用数据的限制,但是需要额外的测量来限制储层的流入。我们对水库渗流的估计(7.0 +/- 0.6 x 10(4)m(3))比仅考虑水库容积变化所估计的补给量大3.5倍。该结果表明,当模型中未明确包括储层流入量时,人工补给可能会被大大低估。我们的渗流估计值也占大坝上游降雨的约11%,其大小可与天然地下水补给相媲美,从而表明水库在这个小流域的水文学中起着重要作用。



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