首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Soil water regime through contrasting pasture communities in a Submediterranean landscape

Soil water regime through contrasting pasture communities in a Submediterranean landscape


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Submediterranean landscape around Vic includes, scattered over intensively farmed ground, a number of hills holding diverse mosaics of natural and seminatural communities. We chose two contrasting communities of pastures to investigate the soil water regime, assumed to be the cause of noticeable shifts in the landscape mosaics. Brachypodio-Aphyllonthetum is a Mediterranean, xerophilous, open pasture dominated by the chamaephytic grass Brachypodium retusum, whereas Plantagini-Aphyllanthetum is a dense grassland of Brachypodium phoenicoides, similar to Medioeuropean mesoxerophilous grasslands. We recorded the soil water content in three plots for each community in different hills, during two and a half years. From gravimetric water percentages and soil water retention curves in each plot, we evaluated the soil water potential and the available water during the study period at different depths. Both communities showed roughly similar seasonal soil water dynamics, which included three clearly differentiated hydric periods: (i) humid (October-April), with soils not far from field capacity; (ii) dry (July-August), when soils were drier than witting point; and (iii) transitional (May-June), defined by a dramatic water loss. The summer values of water content and hydric potential were similar in the two analysed communities, thus rejecting the hypothesised better summer conditions in the mesoxerophilous grassland. The only clear difference was in the way in which the spring transition occurred, namely it was faster and showed sharper ups and downs in the xerophilous Mediterranean pasture. The inverse seasonal transition, from dry to humid, was clearly a sudden event, strongly depending on the timing of late summer rainfall, and it seems not to be a key factor in shaping the functioning of the communities. The lower moisture values at deep soil layers during the humid periods suggest a deficient hydrological functioning, perhaps connected with the pasture-type vegetation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:维克(Vic)周围的近地中海景观包括散布在集约化耕作的土地上的许多山丘,这些山丘上镶嵌着各种自然和半自然群落的马赛克。我们选择了两个截然不同的牧场社区来调查土壤水分状况,假定它们是景观镶嵌中明显变化的原因。 Brachypodio-Aphyllonthetum是地中海的,干燥的,开放的牧场,由杂草植物Bratuspodium retusum主导,而Plantagini-Aphyllanthetum是一个密集的Brachypodium phoenicoides草原,类似于Meeureuropean中嗜草草原。在两年半的时间里,我们在不同丘陵的每个社区的三个样地中记录了土壤含水量。根据每个样地的重量水百分比和土壤保水曲线,我们评估了研究期间不同深度的土壤水势和可用水。两个社区的季节性土壤水分动态大致相似,其中包括三个明显不同的水文时期:(i)潮湿(十月至四月),土壤与田间容量相距不远; (ii)干燥(7月至8月),此时土壤比干点干燥; (iii)过渡期(5月至6月),定义为水的急剧流失。在两个分析的社区中,夏季的水含量和水势潜力相似,因此拒绝了假设的中嗜草草原更好的夏季条件。唯一明显的区别在于春季过渡的发生方式,即干燥的地中海牧场中的过渡速度更快且起伏更大。从干燥到潮湿的反季节变化显然是一个突发事件,这在很大程度上取决于夏末的降雨时间,而且似乎不是影响社区功能的关键因素。潮湿时期土壤深层的较低水分值表明水文功能不足,可能与牧场型植被有关。 (c)2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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