首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health management >Frustrated Potential, False Promise or Complicated Possibilities? Empowerment and Participation Amongst Female Health Volunteers in South Africa

Frustrated Potential, False Promise or Complicated Possibilities? Empowerment and Participation Amongst Female Health Volunteers in South Africa


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We present a longitudinal case study of lay women's participation in a project seeking to facilitate home-based care of people dying of AIDS in a rural community in South Africa, drawing on four sets of interviews conducted with volunteers over a five-year period We link participation in the project to three dimensions of women's agency: their knowledge and skills, their confidence; and their personal experiences of efficacy. We show that whilst the experience ofparticipation enhanced each of these dimensions of volunteers' agency at various stages of the project, the empowerment that did take place appeared to be limited to women's project-related roles, rather than generalising to other areas of their lives beyond the project. The project had limited impact on women's ability to negotiate condom use with husbands, to assert themselves in relation to male project leaders and to become more involved in wider community decision-making and leadership. We discuss three possible interpretations of our findings: (i) that greater empowerment might have occurred had the project run for a longer time period; (ii) that whilst such projects play a vital role in providing services, the more general 'empowerment via participation agenda is a false promise in highly marginalised communities; or (iii) that whilst generalised positive impacts of such projects on volunteers are hard to track, such projects do open up glimpses of increased agency for many women. These might have positive but unpredictable results in ways that defy formulation in linear conceptualisations of social transformation and development, understood in terms of clearly observable and measurable inputs and outputs.
机译:我们提供了一个纵向案例研究,该研究以五年内与志愿者进行的四组访谈为基础,对非职业女性参与一个旨在促进南非农村社区中的艾滋病感染者的家庭护理的项目进行了纵向调研。参与妇女机构的三个方面的项目:她们的知识和技能,她们的信心;以及他们个人的疗效经验。我们表明,尽管参与的经验在项目的各个阶段增强了志愿人员机构的各个方面,但确实发生的赋权似乎仅限于妇女与项目相关的角色,而不是推广到她们生活以外的其他领域该项目。该项目对妇女与丈夫谈判使用避孕套的能力,与男性项目负责人保持关系,以及更多地参与更广泛的社区决策和领导能力的影响有限。我们讨论了对发现的三种可能的解释:(i)如果项目运行时间较长,则可能会产生更大的授权; (ii)尽管此类项目在提供服务中起着至关重要的作用,但在高度边缘化的社区中,通过参与议程赋予更大权力是一种错误的承诺; (iii)虽然很难追踪到此类项目对志愿者的普遍积极影响,但此类项目的确为许多女性带来了增加代理权的一瞥。这些可能会产生积极但无法预测的结果,从而违背社会转型与发展的线性概念化中的表述方式,从清晰可观察和可衡量的投入和产出的角度来理解。



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