首页> 外文期刊>Journal of immigrant and minority health >Factors associated with sexual and reproductive health care by Mexican immigrant women in New York City: a mixed method study.

Factors associated with sexual and reproductive health care by Mexican immigrant women in New York City: a mixed method study.


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Limited research has examined barriers to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for Mexican immigrant women, especially those living in the eastern United States. This mixed-method study describes SRH care utilization and barriers experienced by female Mexican immigrants living in New York City. One hundred and fifty-one women completed surveys, and twenty-three also participated in focus groups. Usage of SRH care was low apart from prenatal services. The highest barriers included cost, language differences, child care, and poor service quality. After adjusting for insurance status, barriers were associated with receipt of gynecological care from a clinic or private doctor. Greater SRH knowledge was associated with current contraceptive use and a recent PAP test. Women reported that promotoras could increase information about SRH and decrease barriers. Results suggest that in a context where services are geographically available, health care utilization is impacted by lack of knowledge and structural barriers such as language, cost, and child care. Implications for community outreach are discussed.
机译:有限的研究已经调查了墨西哥移民妇女,特别是生活在美国东部的妇女的性健康和生殖健康(SRH)服务的障碍。这项混合方法研究描述了居住在纽约市的墨西哥女性移民对性健康和生殖健康的利用和遇到的障碍。 151名妇女完成了调查,还有23名妇女参加了焦点小组。除了产前服务,SRH护理的使用率很低。最大的障碍包括成本,语言差异,育儿和服务质量差。在调整了保险状况之后,障碍与从诊所或私人医生那里获得妇科护理有关。更多的SRH知识与当前的避孕药具使用和最近的PAP测试有关。妇女报告说,promotoras可以增加有关SRH的信息并减少障碍。结果表明,在可以从地理上获得服务的情况下,医疗保健的利用会受到缺乏知识和语言,成本和儿童保育等结构性障碍的影响。讨论了对社区扩展的影响。



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