首页> 外文期刊>Journal of human hypertension >Relationship between hypertension, diabetes and proteinuria in rural and urban households in Yemen

Relationship between hypertension, diabetes and proteinuria in rural and urban households in Yemen


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Little information is available on the meanings of proteinuria in low-resource settings. A population-based, cross-sectional survey was performed in Yemen on 10 242 subjects aged 15-69 years, stratified by age, gender and urban/rural residency. Hypertension is defined as systolic blood pressure (BP) of ≥140 mm Hg and/or diastolic BP of ≥90 mm Hg, and/or self-reported use of antihypertensive drugs; diabetes is diagnosed as fasting glucose of ≥126 mg dl -1 or self-reported use of hypoglycaemic medications; proteinuria is defined as ≥+1 at dipstick urinalysis. Odds ratios (ORs) for associations were determined by multivariable logistic regression models. Prevalence (weighted to the Yemen population aged 15-69 years) of hypertension, diabetes and proteinuria were 7.5, 3.7 and 5.1% in urban, and 7.8, 2.6 and 7.3% in rural locations, respectively. Proteinuria and hypertension were more prevalent among rural dwellers (adjusted ORs 1.56; 95% confidence limit (Cl) 1.31-1.86, and 1.23; 1.08-1.41, respectively), diabetes being less prevalent in rural areas (0.70; 0.58-0.85). Differently from hypertension and diabetes, proteinuria was inversely related with age. Most importantly, 4.6 and 6.1% of urban and rural dwellers, respectively, had proteinuria in the absence of hypertension and diabetes. The approach of considering kidney damage as a consequence of hypertension and diabetes might limit the effectiveness of prevention strategies in low-income countries.
机译:在资源贫乏地区,关于蛋白尿意义的信息很少。在也门对10 242名年龄在15-69岁之间的受试者进行了基于人口的横断面调查,按年龄,性别和城市/农村居住地进行了分层。高血压的定义为收缩压≥140 mm Hg和/或舒张压≥90 mm Hg,和/或自行报告使用降压药;糖尿病被诊断为空腹血糖≥126mg dl -1或自行报告使用降血糖药物;在试纸尿液分析中,蛋白尿定义为≥+ 1。关联的几率(OR)由多变量logistic回归模型确定。高血压,糖尿病和蛋白尿的患病率(加权也门年龄在15-69岁之间的人群)在城市分别为7.5%,3.7%和5.1%,在农村地区分别为7.8%,2.6%和7.3%。蛋白尿和高血压在农村居民中更为普遍(调整后的OR为1.56; 95%置信限(Cl)分别为1.31-1.86和1.23; 1.08-1.41),而糖尿病在农村地区的患病率较低(0.70; 0.58-0.85)。与高血压和糖尿病不同,蛋白尿与年龄成反比。最重要的是,在没有高血压和糖尿病的情况下,分别有4.6%和6.1%的城市和农村居民患有蛋白尿。考虑高血压和糖尿病导致的肾脏损害的方法可能会限制低收入国家预防策略的有效性。



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