首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth: JGR >Crustal deformation and stress transfer during a propagating earthquake sequence: The 2013 Cook Strait sequence, central New Zealand

Crustal deformation and stress transfer during a propagating earthquake sequence: The 2013 Cook Strait sequence, central New Zealand


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The 2013 Cook Strait earthquake sequence began on 18 July 2013 with two foreshocks of M_w 5.7 and M_w 5.8 and culminated in the M_w 6.6 Cook Strait and Lake Grassmere events on 21 July and 16 August, respectively. Located ~50 km south of New Zealand’s capital, Wellington, the earthquakes generated the most significant ground shaking in the Wellington and Marlborough regions in recent decades. During the first event, located under Cook Strait, continuously recording GPS instruments across central New Zealand recorded up to 5 cm of horizontal displacement. Modeling suggests that the rupture was 25 km long with up to 90 cm of dextral strike slip. The second event, located 20 km to the southwest, caused displacements of up to 25 cm at GPS sites located around the Clifford bay area. In addition, two interferograms from RADARSAT-2 and TerraSAR-X showed up to 30 cm of line-of-sight displacement in the vicinity of Lake Grassmere. Modeling indicates predominantly dextral strike slip of up to 2.1 m. Coulomb Stress changes induced by the earlier foreshocks suggest that the Cook Strait event was triggered by the preceding events and that the Lake Grassmere event was subsequently triggered by the Cook Strait earthquake.
机译:2013年库克海峡地震序列始于2013年7月18日,发生两次M_w 5.7和M_w 5.8地震,并分别在7月21日和8月16日的M_w 6.6库克海峡和格拉斯米尔湖地震中达到高潮。地震位于新西兰首都惠灵顿以南约50公里处,是近几十年来惠灵顿和马尔伯勒地区最严重的地震动。在位于库克海峡(Cook Strait)下的第一场比赛中,连续记录GPS仪器在新西兰中部的整个记录​​,记录的水平位移高达5厘米。模型表明,破裂长度为25 km,右旋走滑长达90 cm。第二个事件位于西南20公里处,在位于克利福德湾地区附近的GPS站点造成了长达25厘米的位移。此外,来自RADARSAT-2和TerraSAR-X的两个干涉图在格拉斯米尔湖附近显示了30 cm的视线位移。建模表明,右旋走滑主要为2.1 m。由较早的前震引起的库仑应力变化表明,库克海峡事件是由先前的事件触发的,而格拉斯米尔湖事件是随后由库克海峡地震触发的。



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