首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth: JGR >Bayesian inversion of data from effusive volcanic eruptions using physics-based models: Application to Mount St. Helens 2004-2008

Bayesian inversion of data from effusive volcanic eruptions using physics-based models: Application to Mount St. Helens 2004-2008


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Physics-based models of volcanic eruptions can directly link magmatic processes with diverse, time-varying geophysical observations, and when used in an inverse procedure make it possible to bring all available information to bear on estimating properties of the volcanic system. We develop a technique for inverting geodetic, extrusive flux, and other types of data using a physics-based model of an effusive silicic volcanic eruption to estimate the geometry, pressure, depth, and volatile content of a magma chamber, and properties of the conduit linking the chamber to the surface. A Bayesian inverse formulation makes it possible to easily incorporate independent information into the inversion, such as petrologic estimates of melt water content, and yields probabilistic estimates for model parameters and other properties of the volcano. Probability distributions are sampled using a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. We apply the technique using GPS and extrusion data from the 2004-2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens. In contrast to more traditional inversions such as those involving geodetic data alone in combination with kinematic forward models, this technique is able to provide constraint on properties of the magma, including its volatile content, and on the absolute volume and pressure of the magma chamber. Results suggest a large chamber of >40 km~3 with a centroid depth of 11-18 km and a dissolved water content at the top of the chamber of 2.6-4.9 wt%.
机译:基于物理的火山喷发模型可以将岩浆过程与多样的,随时间变化的地球物理观测结果直接联系起来,当用于逆过程时,可以利用所有可用信息来估算火山系统的性质。我们开发了一种技术,可以使用基于物理学的喷发性硅火山喷发模型来反演大地,挤压通量和其他类型的数据,以估算岩浆室的几何形状,压力,深度和挥发性含量以及管道的特性将腔室连接到表面。贝叶斯逆公式化使得可以轻松地将独立信息纳入反演中,例如融化水含量的岩石学估计,并得出模型参数和火山其他特性的概率估计。使用Markov-Chain蒙特卡洛算法对概率分布进行采样。我们使用GPS和2004年至2008年圣海伦斯火山喷发的挤压数据应用该技术。与更传统的反演(例如仅涉及大地测量数据并结合运动学前向模型的反演)相比,该技术能够对岩浆的性质(包括其挥发物含量)以及岩浆室的绝对体积和压力提供约束。结果表明,> 40 km〜3的大腔室,质心深度为11-18 km,腔室顶部的溶解水含量为2.6-4.9 wt%。



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