首页> 外文期刊>Journal of geophysical research. Solid earth: JGR >On the use of Saint Venant equations to simulate the spreading of a granular mass

On the use of Saint Venant equations to simulate the spreading of a granular mass


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Cliff collapse is an active geomorphological process acting at the surface of the Earth and telluric planets. Recent laboratory studies have investigated the collapse of an initially cylindrical granular mass along a rough horizontal plane for different initial aspect ratios a = H i /R i , where H i and R i are the initial height and radius, respectively. A numerical simulation of these experiments is performed using a minimal depth-integrated model based on a long-wave approximation. A dimensional analysis of the equations shows that such a model exhibits the scaling laws observed experimentally. Generic solutions are independent of gravity and depend only on the initial aspect ratio a and an effective friction angle. In terms of dynamics, the numerical simulations are consistent with the experiments for a ≤ 1. The experimentally observed saturation of the final height of the deposit, when normalized with respect to the initial radius of the cylinder, is accurately reproduced numerically. Analysis of the results sheds light on the correlation between the area overrun by the granular mass and its initial potential energy. The extent of the deposit, the final height, and the arrest time of the front can be directly estimated from the “generic solution” of the model for terrestrial and extraterrestrial avalanches. The effective friction, a parameter classically used to describe the mobility of gravitational flows, is shown to depend on the initial aspect ratio a. This dependence should be taken into account when interpreting the high mobility of large volume events.
机译:悬崖坍塌是一个活跃的地貌过程,作用于地球和碲行星。最近的实验室研究已经针对不同的初始纵横比a = H i / R i,调查了初始圆柱形颗粒状物质沿粗糙水平面的塌陷,其中H i和R i分别是初始高度和半径。使用基于长波近似的最小深度积分模型对这些实验进行了数值模拟。方程的尺寸分析表明,这种模型表现出实验观察到的比例定律。通用解与重力无关,并且仅取决于初始纵横比a和有效摩擦角。在动力学方面,数值模拟与≤1的实验一致。当相对于圆柱体的初始半径进行归一化时,实验观察到的沉积物最终高度的饱和度可以精确地数值再现。对结果的分析揭示了颗粒状物质溢出的面积与其初始势能之间的相关性。沉积的程度,最终的高度和锋面的停滞时间可以直接从陆地和陆地外雪崩模型的“一般解”中估算出来。有效摩擦力是传统上用来描述重力流的迁移率的参数,它显示为取决于初始纵横比a。在解释大量事件的高移动性时,应考虑这种依赖性。



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