首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Human Evolution >A new application of dental wear analyses: estimation of duration of hominid occupations in archaeological localities

A new application of dental wear analyses: estimation of duration of hominid occupations in archaeological localities


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Characterization of settlement patterns is one of the core concepts in archeological research. The duration of an Occupation is Usually estimated through zooarchaeology (e.g., density of remains, cementochronology) and is limited by taphonomic processes and sample size. We propose a new application of dental wear methods for estimating the relative duration of hominid settlements in Paleolithic sites. Dental microwear is known to be sensitive to seasonal changes in diet. In this new application we use microwear scratch Counts to estimate the variation in the dietary signal of various ungulate species. We propose that this variation is correlated to the duration of site occupation. Each season presents a limited and different set of food resources available in the environment. If animals are sampled only during a specific season (i.e., during a short term occupation) then they would be expected to have a dental wear signal with little variation. On the other hand, a greater diversity of food is available across different seasons. Therefore, if game animals are hunted through various seasons during long occupation periods, then they would be expected to have more variable dental wear. The application of this technique to the Middle Paleolithic site of Arago Cave (France), where various types of occupations occurred, Supports this hypothesis. When combined with multidisciplinary studies of archaeological localities (seasonality in particular), this new application of dental wear analysis presents valuable information about hominid settlements and behavior. We contextualize Our data with results from lithic and zooarchaeological analyses from Arago. These results reveal the presence of both high and low mobility groups of Homo heidelbergensis throughout the sequence of the Arago Cave.
机译:聚落模式的表征是考古研究的核心概念之一。职业的持续时间通常通过动物考古学(例如,遗骸的密度,水泥年代学)来估算,并受成胶过程和样本量的限制。我们提出了一种新的牙科磨损方法应用,用于估算旧石器时代人类居住地的相对时间。众所周知,牙科微服对饮食的季节性变化敏感。在这个新的应用程序中,我们使用微磨损刮擦计数来估计各种有蹄类动物的饮食信号的变化。我们建议这种变化与站点占用的持续时间相关。每个季节都会呈现环境中可用的有限且不同的一组食物资源。如果仅在特定季节(即在短期占领期间)对动物进行采样,则可以预期它们的牙齿磨损信号几乎没有变化。另一方面,不同季节的食物种类更多。因此,如果在长时间的占领期内猎捕各种季节的猎物,那么他们的牙齿磨损将更加可变。该技术在Arago Cave(法国)的中古石器时代遗址的应用(发生了各种类型的职业),支持了这一假设。当结合考古学领域的多学科研究(尤其是季节性)时,这种新的牙科磨损分析应用程序将提供有关原始人居环境和行为的宝贵信息。我们将数据与Arago的岩性和动物考古学分析结果相结合。这些结果揭示了整个Arago洞穴序列中海德堡高和低迁移率族群的存在。



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