首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences >International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Model Intercomparison (IPMMI): Spectral actinic solar flux measurements and modeling - art. no. 8543

International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Model Intercomparison (IPMMI): Spectral actinic solar flux measurements and modeling - art. no. 8543

机译:国际光解频率测量和模型比较(IPMMI):光谱光化太阳通量的测量和建模-艺术。没有。 8543

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1] The International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Model Intercomparison (IPMMI) took place in Boulder, Colorado, from 15 to 19 June 1998, aiming to investigate the level of accuracy of photolysis frequency and spectral downwelling actinic flux measurements and to explore the ability of radiative transfer models to reproduce the measurements. During this period, 2 days were selected to compare model calculations with measurements, one cloud-free and one cloudy. A series of ancillary measurements were also performed and provided parameters required as input to the models. Both measurements and modeling were blind, in the sense that no exchanges of data or calculations were allowed among the participants, and the results were objectively analyzed and compared by two independent referees. The objective of this paper is, first, to present the results of comparisons made between measured and modeled downwelling actinic flux and irradiance spectra and, second, to investigate the reasons for which some of the models or measurements deviate from the others. For clear skies the relative agreement between the 16 models depends strongly on solar zenith angle (SZA) and wavelength as well as on the input parameters used, like the extraterrestrial (ET) solar flux and the absorption cross sections. The majority of the models (11) agreed to within about +/-6% for solar zenith angles smaller than similar to60degrees. The agreement among the measured spectra depends on the optical characteristics of the instruments (e.g., slit function, stray light rejection, and sensitivity). After transforming the measurements to a common spectral resolution, two of the three participating spectroradiometers agree to within similar to10% for wavelengths longer than 310 nm and at all solar zenith angles, while their differences increase when moving to shorter wavelengths. Most models agree well with the measurements (both downwelling actinic flux and global irradiance), especially at local noon, where the agreement is within a few percent. A few models exhibit significant deviations with respect either to wavelength or to solar zenith angle. Models that use the Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science 3 (ATLAS-3) solar flux agree better with the measured spectra, suggesting that ATLAS-3 is probably more appropriate for radiative transfer modeling in the ultraviolet. [References: 59
机译:1]国际光解频率测量和模型比对(IPMMI)于1998年6月15日至19日在科罗拉多州的博尔德举行,旨在调查光解频率和光谱下降流光化通量测量的准确性,并探讨辐射能力。传输模型以重现测量结果。在此期间,选择2天以将模型计算与测量结果进行比较,其中1天无云和1天阴天。还进行了一系列辅助测量,并提供了所需的参数作为模型输入。在参与者之间不允许进行数据或计算的交换的意义上,测量和建模都是盲目的,并且由两名独立的裁判对结果进行客观地分析和比较。本文的目的是,首先,介绍测得的和建模的下流光化通量和辐照光谱之间的比较结果,其次,研究某些模型或测量值与其他模型或测量值偏离的原因。对于晴朗的天空,这16个模型之间的相对一致性在很大程度上取决于太阳天顶角(SZA)和波长以及所使用的输入参数,例如地外(ET)太阳通量和吸收截面。大多数模型(11)同意将太阳天顶角小于类似60度的太阳天顶角控制在大约+/- 6%之内。被测光谱之间的一致性取决于仪器的光学特性(例如,狭缝功能,杂散光抑制和灵敏度)。将测量结果转换为共同的光谱分辨率后,对于超过310 nm的波长和所有太阳天顶角,三个参与光谱仪中的两个在大约10%的范围内一致,而当移至较短的波长时,它们的差异会增加。多数模型与测量值(下流光化通量和整体辐照度)非常吻合,尤其是在当地正午时,其吻合度在百分之几之内。一些模型在波长或太阳天顶角方面表现出明显的偏差。使用大气应用和科学实验室3(ATLAS-3)太阳通量的模型与测得的光谱更好地吻合,这表明ATLAS-3可能更适合于紫外线的辐射传递建模。 [参考:59


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