首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences >Charge exchange contribution to the decay of the ring current, measured by energetic neutral atoms (ENAs)

Charge exchange contribution to the decay of the ring current, measured by energetic neutral atoms (ENAs)


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In this paper we calculate the contribution of charge exchange to the decay of the ring current. Past works have suggested that charge exchange of ring current protons is primarily responsible for the decay of the ring current during the late recovery phase, but there is still much debate about the fast decay of the early recovery phase. We use energetic neutral atom (ENA) measurements from Polar to calculate the total ENA energy escape. To get the total ENA escape we apply a forward modeling technique, and to estimate the total ring current energy escape we use the Dessler-Parker-Sckopke relationship. We find that during the late recovery phase of the March 10, 1998 storm ENAs with energies greater than 17.5 keV can account for 75% of the estimated energy loss from the ring current. During the fast recovery the measured ENAs can only account for a small portion of the total energy loss. We also find that the lifetime of the trapped ions is significantly shorter during the fast recovery phase than during the late recovery phase, suggesting that different processes are operating during the two phases. [References: 30]
机译:在本文中,我们计算了电荷交换对环电流衰减的贡献。过去的工作表明,环流质子的电荷交换主要是导致后期恢复阶段环电流衰减的原因,但关于早期恢复阶段的快速衰减仍存在很多争议。我们使用Polar的高能中性原子(ENA)测量来计算总ENA能量逸出量。为了获得总的ENA逸出量,我们采用了正向建模技术,并使用Dessler-Parker-Sckopke关系来估算总的环流能量逸出量。我们发现,在1998年3月10日的后期恢复阶段,能量大于17.5 keV的风暴ENA可以占环流估计能量损失的75%。在快速恢复期间,测得的ENA只能占总能量损失的一小部分。我们还发现,在快速恢复阶段所捕获的离子的寿命比在后期恢复阶段要短得多,这表明在这两个阶段中正在运行不同的过程。 [参考:30]



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