首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences >Modeling anisotropy and plate-driven flow in the Tonga subduction zone back arc

Modeling anisotropy and plate-driven flow in the Tonga subduction zone back arc


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The goal of this study is to determine whether shear wave splitting observed in subduction zone back are regions, the Tonga subduction zone in particular, can be quantitatively modeled with flow in the back are mantle driven by the motions of the subducting slab and the upper back are plate. We calculated two-dimensional mantle flow models using known Tonga plate motions as boundary conditions and assuming a range of uniform and variable viscosity structures. Shear wave splitting was predicted for the anisotropy due to lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of olivine and orthopyroxene in the flow model finite strain fields. The predicted shear wave splitting provides a good match to the fast directions (parallel to the azimuth of subducting plate motion) and splitting times (0.5-1.5 s) observed in Tonga, both for models where LPO anisotropy develops everywhere above 410 km and for models where LPO anisotropy is confined to regions of relatively high stress. If LPO anisotropy does develop over the entire upper 410 km of the mantle, the strength of anistropy induced by a given amount of shear strain must be relatively weak (similar to 4% for shear strains of 1.5, with a maximum value of similar to 6% for very large strains). The splitting observations are comparably fit by a wide range of different viscosity models. Anisotropy due to melt-filled cracks aligned by stresses in the back are flow models predicts fast directions roughly normal to observed values and thus cannot alone explain the observed splitting. [References: 47]
机译:这项研究的目的是确定在俯冲带后部观察到的剪切波分裂是否是区域,尤其是汤加俯冲带,是否可以用俯冲板块和上背的运动驱动后部地幔流动来定量模拟。是板。我们使用已知的汤加板块运动作为边界条件并假设一定范围的均匀和可变粘度结构,计算了二维地幔流模型。在流动模型有限应变场中,由于橄榄石和邻二甲苯的晶格优先取向(LPO),预测了剪切波的各向异性。预测的剪切波分裂为汤加观测到的快速方向(平行于俯冲板块运动的方位角)和分裂时间(0.5-1.5 s)提供了良好的匹配,这两种模型都适用于LPO各向异性在410 km以上的地方发展的模型和模型。 LPO各向异性仅限于应力较高的区域。如果LPO各向异性确实在地幔的整个上部410 km上形成,则由一定量的剪应变引起的混响强度必须相对较弱(剪应变为1.5时约为4%,最大值类似于6 %用于非常大的菌株)。分裂观测结果可通过各种不同的粘度模型进行比较拟合。流动模型预测的熔体填充裂缝的各向异性是由后部的应力对齐的,它预测快速方向大致垂直于观测值,因此不能单独解释观测到的分裂。 [参考:47]



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