首页> 外文期刊>Journal of holistic nursing: official journal of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association >Intentionality in Healing-The Voices of Men in Nursing: A Grounded Theory Investigation.

Intentionality in Healing-The Voices of Men in Nursing: A Grounded Theory Investigation.


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A cross sectional observational study was conducted to assess knowledge, attitude and practices about leprosy among leprosy patients in six districts of West Bengal. Total patients selected for the study were 300; of them 185 patients were from three high prevalent districts and 115 from three low prevalent districts of West Bengal. 56.33% patients were male and 43.67% were female. Most of the patients (85.67%) belonged to Hindu community and 60% from socially backward group. 64.33% patients lived below poverty line. Thirty five percentage of patients had correct knowledge that leprosy is caused by a bacteria. Patients from high prevalent districts (41.62%) have better knowledge than those from low prevalent areas (26.09%). Difference was found to be statistically significant (p = 0.006). Correct knowledge about spread of leprosy through cough & sneezing, of the patients from high prevalent districts (30.81%) was more than those from low prevalent districts (14.78%) (p = 0.001). 74.05% patients from high prevalent districts could tell one or other forms of clinical presentation of a leprosy patients, while 56.52% from low prevalent areas could mention it correctly (p = 0.01). About infectiousness, duration of treatment, complications, patients from high prevalent districts showed better knowledge that those from low prevalent districts. Similarly, Attitude of the patients towards leprosy was found to be more adverse in low prevalent areas. 90% patients have idea that leprosy was curable, but only 51.67% patients heard about MDT. Place of residence (high prevalent districts) & level of education (secondary & above) attributed to better knowledge score of the patients, whereas Place of residence (high prevalent districts) & age (younger age group) attributed to better attitude score of the patients.
机译:进行了一项横断面观察研究,以评估西孟加拉邦六个地区的麻风病患者对麻风病的知识,态度和做法。选择参加研究的患者总数为300;其中185名患者来自西孟加拉邦的三个高流行地区,115名患者来自西孟加拉邦的三个低流行地区。男性为56.33%,女性为43.67%。大多数患者(85.67%)属于印度教社区,60%来自社会落后群体。 64.33%的患者生活在贫困线以下。 35%的患者正确认识到麻风是由细菌引起的。来自高流行地区的患者(41.62%)比来自低流行地区的患者(26.09%)具有更好的知识。发现差异具有统计学意义(p = 0.006)。来自高流行地区的患者(30.81%)对通过咳嗽和打喷嚏传播麻风的正确认识要高于来自低流行地区的患者(14.78%)(p = 0.001)。来自高流行地区的74.05%患者可以分辨出一种或其他形式的麻风病人的临床表现,而来自低流行地区的56.52%的患者可以正确提及(p = 0.01)。在传染性,治疗时间,并发症方面,高流行地区的患者比低流行地区的患者了解得更多。同样,在低流行地区,发现患者对麻风病的态度更为不利。 90%的患者认为麻风病是可以治愈的,但是只有51.67%的患者听说过MDT。居住地(高流行地区)和受教育程度(中专及以上)归因于患者的知识得分更高,而居住地(高流行地区)和年龄(年龄较小的人群)归因于患者的态度得分更高。



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