首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, D. Atmospheres: JGR >The Two-Column Aerosol Project: Phase I-Overview and impact of elevated aerosol layers on aerosol optical depth

The Two-Column Aerosol Project: Phase I-Overview and impact of elevated aerosol layers on aerosol optical depth


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The Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP), conducted from June 2012 through June 2013, was a unique study designed to provide a comprehensive data set that can be used to investigate a number of important climate science questions, including those related to aerosol mixing state and aerosol radiative forcing. The study was designed to sample the atmosphere between and within two atmospheric columns; one fixed near the coast of North America (over Cape Cod, MA) and a second moveable column over the Atlantic Ocean several hundred kilometers from the coast. The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM)Mobile Facility (AMF) was deployed at the base of the Cape Cod column, and the ARMAerial Facility was utilized for the summer and winter intensive observation periods. One important finding from TCAP is that four of six nearly cloud-free flight days had aerosol layers aloft in both the Cape Cod and maritime columns that were detected using the nadir pointing second-generation NASA high-spectral resolution lidar (HSRL-2). These layers contributed up to 60% of the total observed aerosol optical depth (AOD). Many of these layers were also intercepted by the aircraft configured for in situ sampling, and the aerosol in the layers was found to have increased amounts of biomass burning material and nitrate compared to aerosol found near the surface. In addition, while there was a great deal of spatial and day-to-day variability in the aerosol chemical composition and optical properties, no systematic differences between the two columns were observed.
机译:2012年6月至2013年6月进行的两塔气溶胶项目(TCAP)是一项独特的研究,旨在提供全面的数据集,可用于调查许多重要的气候科学问题,包括与气溶胶混合状态有关的问题。和气溶胶辐射强迫。该研究旨在对两个大气柱之间和内部的大气进行采样。一列固定在北美海岸附近(马萨诸塞州科德角上空),第二列可移动柱体在距离海岸数百公里的大西洋上空。美国能源部(DOE)的大气辐射测量(ARM)移动设施(AMF)部署在科德角(Cape Cod)立柱的底部,而ARMAerial设施则用于夏季和冬季的密集观测期。 TCAP的一项重要发现是,在近乎无云的6个飞行日中,有4个在Cod角和海事柱上都出现了气溶胶层,这是使用天底指向的第二代NASA高光谱分辨率激光雷达(HSRL-2)探测到的。这些层占总观测气溶胶光学深度(AOD)的60%。这些层中的许多层也被配置用于原位采样的飞机拦截,并且发现与层附近的气溶胶相比,这些层中的气溶胶具有增加的生物质燃烧物质和硝酸盐含量。此外,尽管气雾剂的化学成分和光学性质存在很大的空间和日常变化,但在两根色谱柱之间未观察到系统差异。


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