首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, D. Atmospheres: JGR >Detecting tropical thin cirrus using Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer's oblique cameras and modeled outgoing longwave radiation

Detecting tropical thin cirrus using Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer's oblique cameras and modeled outgoing longwave radiation


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We report the improved detection of thin cirrus clouds over the Tropics using oblique camera stereo retrieval of cloud top heights from the Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument on the Terra satellite. The MISR oblique stereo captures 10% of thin cirrus with mean height of 13 km over all scenes that the standard stereo misses completely, especially when they are over lower-level clouds that provide more contrast. To determine thin cirrus properties missed by MISR, differences between modeled and measured outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) were used to compute its fractional cover and optical depth. The oblique MISR measurements were used as inputs to the model and a merged data set from CERES, MODIS and MISR instruments on the Terra satellite provided the measured fluxes and the cloud properties. For the cases investigated including all clear and cloudy scenes in the Tropics, the difference between modeled and measured OLR (Cirrus Forcing) averaged ≈ 19 W m~(-2). This can be accounted for by the addition of thin cirrus of coverage 77%. However, oblique analysis only detects 10% of thin cirrus (0.1 < τ < 0.3) and misses 67% of cirrus with τ < 0.3. The missed cirrus coverage includes 32% of homogeneous cirrus (0.1 < τ < 0.3) and 35% of subvisual cirrus (τ < 0.1). To improve the detection of homogeneous cirrus with MISR, the current contrast threshold should be decreased. This will increase the number of pixels to be matched stereoscopically that were screened as noise initially.
机译:我们报告了使用Terra卫星上的多角度成像光谱辐射仪(MISR)仪器对云顶高度进行倾斜摄像头立体检索,从而改进了对热带地区薄卷云的探测。 MISR倾斜立体声捕获了10%的薄卷云,在标准立体声完全错过的所有场景中,平均高度为13 km,尤其是当它们位于提供更高对比度的低层云上时。为了确定MISR遗漏的薄卷云特性,使用建模和测量的出射长波辐射(OLR)之间的差异来计算其分数覆盖率和光学深度。倾斜的MISR测量值用作模型的输入,Terra卫星上来自CERES,MODIS和MISR仪器的合并数据集提供了测量的通量和云特性。对于包括热带地区所有晴天和阴天在内的调查案例,建模和测量的OLR(卷云强迫)之间的差异平均为≈19 W m〜(-2)。这可以通过增加覆盖率77%的细卷云来解决。但是,倾斜分析只能检测到10%的细卷云(0.1 <τ<0.3),而漏检了67%的卷云,且τ<0.3。错过的卷云覆盖范围包括32%的同质卷云(0.1 <τ<0.3)和35%的视觉下卷云(τ<0.1)。为了改善MISR对均匀卷云的检测,应降低当前对比度阈值。这将增加最初被筛选为噪声的要立体匹配的像素数量。



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