首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research, C. Oceans: JGR >Estimates of sea surface height and near-surface alongshore coastal currents from combinations of altimeters and tide gauges

Estimates of sea surface height and near-surface alongshore coastal currents from combinations of altimeters and tide gauges


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Present methods used to retrieve altimeter data do not provide reliable estimates of sea surface height (SSH) in the nearshore region, resulting in a measurement gap of 25–50 km next to the coast. In the present work, gridded SSH fields produced by Archiving, Validation, and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic data (AVISO) in the offshore region are combined with coastal tide gauge time series of SSH to improve estimation in that gap along the west coast of the United States in the northern California Current System between 40° and 45°N and 123.8° and 126°W. To assess the increase in skill provided by this procedure, the geostrophic alongshore currents, calculated from the new SSH fields in the gap region, are compared to three in situ, nearshore current measurements, resulting in correlation coefficients of 0.73–0.83 and standard deviations of the differences of 11.6–12.6 cm/s, substantially improved from the AVISO-only results. When the Ekman current components are estimated and added to the geostrophic currents, comparisons to the 10 m deep acoustic Doppler current profiler velocities are only slightly improved. The Ekman components make a more significant contribution when compared to HF radar surface current measurements, providing correlations of 0.94 and standard deviations of the differences of 6.4–9.5 cm/s. These results represent a dramatic improvement in the quality of the SSH fields and estimated alongshore currents when additional, realistic SSH data from the coastal region are added. Here we use coastal tide gauges to provide the additional SSH data but also discuss more general approaches for altimeter SSH retrievals in coastal regions where tide gauge data are not available.
机译:当前用于检索高度计数据的方法无法提供近岸地区海平面高度(SSH)的可靠估计,从而导致靠近海岸的测量距离为25-50 km。在目前的工作中,将近海地区的卫星海洋学数据的存档,验证和解释所产生的网格化SSH字段与SSH的沿海潮汐时间序列相结合,以改善对美利坚合众国西海岸的该缺口的估计加利福尼亚北部电流系统中处于40°至45°N和123.8°至126°W之间的州。为了评估该程序所提供的技能提高,将根据间隙区域新的SSH场计算出的地转沿岸电流与三个原位近岸电流测量结果进行比较,得出相关系数为0.73-0.83,标准偏差为与仅使用AVISO的结果相比,相差11.6-12.6 cm / s有了很大的改善。当估算埃克曼电流分量并将其添加到地转流中时,与10 m深多普勒声学多普勒电流剖面仪速度的比较仅稍有改善。与高频雷达表面电流测量相比,埃克曼分量贡献更大,提供了0.94的相关性和6.4–9.5 cm / s的差的标准偏差。这些结果表示,当添加来自沿海地区的其他实际SSH数据时,SSH字段的质量和估计的沿岸电流将得到显着改善。在这里,我们使用沿海潮汐仪提供额外的SSH数据,但也讨论了在没有潮汐仪数据的沿海地区进行高度计SSH检索的更通用方法。



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