首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Histotechnology: An Offical Publication of the National Society for Histotechnology >The Use of Bar-Coding and Tracking in Surgical Pathology to Enhance Patient Safety

The Use of Bar-Coding and Tracking in Surgical Pathology to Enhance Patient Safety


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During the processing of surgical specimens, the sampleis moved through many areas of the laboratory; thus, a poten-tial for mislabeling and subsequent harm to a patient exists.Many practices are currently in place to minimize this poten-tial, but errors may occur. The intent of this process improve-ment plan was to significantly reduce errors in labeling ofpatient specimens from receipt of specimen to diagnosticreporting. The current practices of specimen receipt, pro-cessing, and slide labeling were analyzed for potential bar-coding by use of the current laboratory information system(CoPath Plus, Cerner Corp.). To eliminate labeling errors,bar-coding the patient information throughout the entire pro-cess was performed. In addition to reducing labeling errors,this process was implemented to assist in tracking a speci-men throughout the entire laboratory, from receipt to diag-nosis. Because each step in specimen handling has the abilityto be traced and viewed in the CoPath Plus informationsystem, a comprehensive audit trail can be evaluated forspecimen integrity, process productivity, and employee com-petency.
机译:在处理手术标本的过程中,样品被移过实验室的许多区域。因此,存在标记错误的可能性以及对患者的后续伤害。目前已经采取了许多措施来最小化这种可能性,但是可能会发生错误。此过程改进计划的目的是要显着减少从接收标本到诊断报告的患者标本标签上的错误。使用当前的实验室信息系统(CoPath Plus,Cerner Corp.)对标本接收,处理和载玻片标签的当前做法进行了分析,以查找可能的条形码。为了消除标签错误,在整个过程中对患者信息进行了条形码编码。除了减少标签错误外,该过程的实施还有助于在从接收到诊断的整个实验室中跟踪标本。由于样品处理的每个步骤都可以在CoPath Plus信息系统中进行跟踪和查看,因此可以评估全面的审核跟踪,以评估样品的完整性,过程生产率和员工能力。



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