首页> 外文期刊>Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology >High-dose esomeprazole is required for intraesophageal acid control in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients with hiatus hernia

High-dose esomeprazole is required for intraesophageal acid control in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients with hiatus hernia


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Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to assess whether the efficacy of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) therapy at a standard dose in esophageal acid control is affected by the presence of hiatus hernia in Chinese gastroesophageal reflux disease patients, and whether a higher dose of PPI is required for acid control. Methods: Consecutive gastroesophageal reflux disease patients who had typical reflux symptoms and abnormal baseline 24-h esophageal pH and underwent upper endoscopy were enrolled to receive esomeprazole at 40mg once daily for 4weeks. Patients underwent the dual-channel 24-h pH test at the end of 4-week therapy. If the 24-h esophageal pH was still abnormal at the end of 4-week therapy, then esomeprazole at 40mg twice daily was given for another 4weeks after a washout interval of 1week, and a 24-h pH test was repeated at the end of the therapy. Results: Overall, 76 patients were included, 13 with hiatus hernia. Of the 76 patients treated with a 40mg of esomeprazole daily, esophageal acid exposure was normalized in 64 (84.2%). Normalization of acid exposure was achieved by standard PPI therapy in 53.2% (7/13) of patients with hiatus hernia and 90.5% (57/63) of those without (P=0.004). A double dose of esomeprazole was successful in normalizing the esophageal pH in all 12 non-responders to the standard dose of esomeprazole, including the six patients with hiatus hernia and six patients without. Conclusions: The standard-dose of esomeprazole fails to normalize the esophageal pH in almost 50% of patients with hiatus hernia, in whom the "double-dose" esomeprazole therapy is required.
机译:背景与目的:本研究的目的是评估标准剂量的质子泵抑制剂(PPI)治疗食管酸的疗效是否受到中国胃食管反流病患者存在裂孔疝的影响,以及是否更高酸控制需要PPI剂量。方法:选择具有典型反流症状,基线食管酸碱度24h异常且接受内镜检查的连续胃食管反流病患者,每天接受一次40mg的埃索美拉唑治疗,持续4周。在治疗4周后,患者接受了双通道的24小时pH测试。如果在4周治疗结束时24小时食管pH值仍不正常,则在1周的冲洗间隔后,将40 mg埃索美拉唑的每日两次再次给药4周,并在治疗结束时重复进行24 h pH测试治疗。结果:总共纳入76例患者,其中13例患有裂孔疝。每天用40毫克埃索美拉唑治疗的76例患者中,有64例(84.2%)的食管酸暴露正常。通过标准的PPI治疗,有53.2%(7/13)的裂孔疝患者和90.5%(57/63)的无裂孔疝患者实现了酸暴露的正常化(P = 0.004)。双重剂量的埃索美拉唑成功地将所有12位无反应者的食道pH标准化为标准剂量的埃索美拉唑,包括6例患有裂孔疝的患者和6例没有裂孔疝的患者。结论:标准剂量的埃索美拉唑未能使近50%的裂孔疝患者的食管pH值正常化,在该患者中,需要“双剂量”埃索美拉唑治疗。



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