首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health care finance. >Antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing patterns and costs in the Florida adult and child Medicaid populations.

Antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing patterns and costs in the Florida adult and child Medicaid populations.


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The rapid growth in the use of antipsychotic medications and their related costs have resulted in states developing programs to measure, monitor, and insure their beneficial relevance to public program populations. One such program developed in the state of Florida has adopted an evidence-based approach to identify prescribers with unusual psychotherapeutic prescription patterns and track their utilization and costs among Florida Medicaid patients. This study reports on the prescriber prescription and cost patterns for adults and children using three measures of unusual antipsychotic prescribing patterns: (1) two antipsychotics for 60 days (2AP60), (2) three antipsychotics for 60 days (3AP60), and (2) two antipsychotics for 90 or more days (2AP90). We find that over the four-year study period there were substantial increases in several aspects of the Florida Medicaid behavioral drug program. Overall, for adults and children, patient participation increased by 29 percent, the number of prescriptions grew by 30 percent, and the number of prescribers that wrote at least one prescription grew 48.5 percent, while Medicaid costs for behavioral drugs increased by 32 percent. But the results are highly skewed. We find that a relatively small number of prescribers account for a disproportionately large share of prescriptions and costs of the unusual antipsychotic prescriptions. In general, the top 350 Medicaid prescribers accounted for more than 70 percent of the unusual antipsychotic prescriptions, and we find that this disparity in unusual prescribing patterns appears to be substantially more pronounced in adults than in children prescribers. For just the top 13 adult and children prescribers, their practice patterns accounted for 11 percent to 21 percent of the unusual prescribing activity and, overall, these 13 top prescribers accounted for 13 percent of the total spent on antipsychotics by the Florida Medicaid program and 9.3 percent of the total expenditure by the state for all drugs. Our findings suggest that a strategy to monitor and ensure patient safety and prescribing patterns that targets a relatively small number of Medicaid providers could have a substantial benefit and prove to be cost effective.
机译:抗精神病药的使用及其相关费用的快速增长已导致各州制定计划,以测量,监测和确保其与公共计划人群的有益联系。在佛罗里达州开发的一项此类计划已采用基于证据的方法,以识别具有异常心理治疗处方模式的处方者,并跟踪佛罗里达医疗补助患者的使用情况和费用。本研究报告了使用三种不同的抗精神病药物处方模式的成年人和儿童的处方药处方和费用模式:(1)两种抗精神病药物治疗60天(2AP60),(2)三种抗精神病药物治疗60天(3AP60),以及(2 )两种抗精神病药物治疗90天或更长时间(2AP90)。我们发现,在为期四年的研究期内,佛罗里达医疗补助行为药物计划的几个方面有了实质性的增长。总体而言,对于成年人和儿童,患者的参与度增加了29%,处方数量增加了30%,至少写了一张处方的处方者数量增加了48.5%,而行为药物的医疗补助费用增加了32%。但是结果高度不正确。我们发现,开处方的人数相对较少,占处方和非常规抗精神病药物处方费用的比例过大。一般而言,排名前350位的医疗补助处方者占异常抗精神病药物处方的70%以上,我们发现,成年人与儿童处方者之间在非正常处方模式中的这种差异似乎更加明显。仅对于排名前13位的成人和儿童开药者,他们的执业模式占异常开处方活动的11%至21%,总体而言,这13位顶级开处方者占佛罗里达医疗补助计划和9.3的抗精神病药物总支出的13%。国家用于所有药品的总支出的百分比。我们的发现表明,针对较少数量的医疗补助提供者的监测和确保患者安全和处方模式的策略可能会带来巨大的好处,并证明具有成本效益。



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