首页> 外文期刊>Journal of health care finance. >The Impact of Computerized Physician Order Entry on Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events

The Impact of Computerized Physician Order Entry on Medication Errors and Adverse Drug Events


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Objectives. Medication errors and adverse drug events (ADEs) are common, costly, and clinically important problems. This research was conducted to determine whether computerized physician order entry (CPOE) improves the quality of care by increasing patient safety and decreasing medication errors at the King Fahad Medical City Hospital (KFMCH) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Methods. The study utilized a cross-sectional research design. Questionnaires were distributed to physicians in various departments who used the system for more than six months. The study was conducted in Riyadh at KFMCH, which is the largest medical complex hospital in the Middle East, in the outpatient setting. Key findings. Ninety-three physicians participated in the study; the response rate was 31 percent. Only descriptive analyses were conducted. Results showed that 88 percent of the physicians agreed that the use of CPOE improved their performance and 76 percent reported that the use of CPOE increased their productivity. In addition, 56 percent of the participants agreed that CPOE was a simple system and 64 percent reported that it was easy to use. However, 44 percent of the physicians agreed that CPOE lacked a user guide during medication ordering and 55 percent reported that it created new types of errors. Results showed that 234 physicians always changed their order, 179 physicians changed their order often, 175 physicians rarely changed their order, and 74 physicians never changed their order. Furthermore, 72 percent of the physicians agreed that CPOE helped them to decrease ADEs. Finally, 91 percent of the physicians agreed that CPOE reduced errors related to hand-written prescriptions. ^g>medical errors, electronic medical records, adverse drug events, Saudi Arabia.
机译:目标。用药错误和药品不良事件(ADEs)是常见,昂贵且在临床上很重要的问题。这项研究的目的是确定在沙特阿拉伯王国(KSA)的法哈德国王医疗城医院(KFMCH),通过提高患者安全性和减少用药错误,计算机医师医嘱录入(CPOE)是否能改善护理质量。方法。该研究采用了横断面研究设计。问卷被分发给使用该系统超过六个月的各个部门的医生。这项研究是在KFMCH的利雅得(KFMCH)进行的,该医院是中东地区最大的综合医疗医院,门诊地点。主要发现。共有93位医师参加了这项研究;回应率为31%。仅进行描述性分析。结果表明,有88%的医生同意使用CPOE可以改善他们的表现,而76%的医生报告说使用CPOE可以提高他们的生产力。此外,有56%的参与者同意CPOE是一个简单的系统,而64%的参与者表示它易于使用。但是,有44%的医生同意CPOE在用药期间缺乏用户指南,而55%的医生报告说它造成了新的错误类型。结果显示,有234位医生总是更改他们的顺序,有179位医生经常更改他们的顺序,有175位医生很少更改他们的顺序,而74位医生从未更改他们的顺序。此外,有72%的医生同意CPOE帮助他们减少ADE。最终,有91%的医生同意CPOE减少了与手写处方有关的错误。 ^ g>医疗错误,电子医疗记录,药品不良事件,沙特阿拉伯。



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